Photoactive metal complexes for innovative applications


Chemist Leticia González (Institute of Theoretical Chemistry) is part of the newly launched Priority Programme “Light Controlled Reactivity of Metal Complexes” (LCRMC), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

The consortium of the Priority Programme SPP 2102 consist of additional 17 projects scattered throughout Germany, covering the fields of synthetic, spectroscopic and theoretical chemistry. It includes more than 30 PIs, who will combine efforts to unveil and exploit the photophysics and photochemistry of metal complexes.

The knowledge gained by the joined undertaking can provide concepts for display-technology, solar energy, efficient light-driven synthesis of high-quality products, as well as innovative materials with application in sensor technology, imaging or phototherapy.

At the core of the programme is the fundamental understanding of photoinduced metal-centred processes aiming at the development of rational design concepts for new functional photoactive metal complexes. The PhD student located in Vienna will contribute by studying dynamical processes in transition metal complexes using SHARC, a code developed in the González group and unique to the consortium.

Priority Programme LCRMC