1st AcademiaNet-Club in Vienna

When: Friday, 05.10.2018, 17:00

Where: Joseph-Loschmidt Lecture Hall, Währinger Strasse 42, 1090 Vienna

An initiative of the Robert Bosch Stiftung Organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vienna and WoChem – Women in Chemistry, University of Vienna

AcademiaNet (www.academia-net.org) is an internet portal hosted by the Robert Bosch Stiftung featuring profiles of excellent female researchers from all disciplines. The project is run in cooperation with Spektrum der Wissenschaft and the Nature Publishing Group. AcademiaNet-Clubs (AN-Clubs) provide an opportunity to meet up and network.

The 1st AN-Club in Vienna invites interested female scientists from all disciplines to participate in our public session. Join us!

  • Programme

  • Guest talk: Dr. Pauline Gagnon: "The tragic destiny of Mileva Maric Einstein" - Abstract