About us
"Wolkenflügel" - new building complex opened in 2020 (Copyright: Atelier Architekt Palme)
The Faculty of Chemistry was founded in 2004 as a separate organisational unit in the context of the implementation of the Universitätsgesetz 2002. Prior to this, the Institutes of Chemistry existed as a section within the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
The majority of the Faculty's assigned rooms – offices, labs, lecture rooms – is situated in the historical building block New Chemistry between Strudlhofgasse, Boltzmanngasse and Währinger Straße. Some departments are located in other University buildings in the 9th district of Vienna.
Traditionally, teaching curricula and research in the area of Chemistry at the University of Vienna are complementary to teaching and research conducted at the Technical University of Vienna and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU). Scientific exchange between all three universities has been very productive in the past and underlines the importance of cooperation.