Turning Liquids into solids: a tale of emulsions and (solid) foams
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker), Hande Barkan-Öztürk (Contributor) & Angelika Menner (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Innovations with Porous Polymers
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker) & Robert Woodward (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Innovations with Porous Polymers
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor), Veronika Biegler (Contributor) & Philip Verdross (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Onset of Polymeric Drag Reduction at Different Reynolds and Weisenberg Numbers
Lukas Brandfellner (Speaker), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor) & Hans Werner Müller (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Mushroom Makeover: Revealing the Potential of Mushroom Waste in Skincare
Anne Zhao (Speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
One-size-fits-all water purification: Hypercrosslinked polymer-nanocellulose hybrid membranes
Robert Woodward (Speaker), Florian Mayer (Contributor), Paul Schweng (Contributor), Simone Bräuer (Contributor), Sebastian Hummer (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Turning liquids into solids: From emulsions to a plant on a bench
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker), Hande Barkan-Öztürk (Contributor), Sebastian Hummer (Contributor), Angelika Menner (Contributor) & Robert Woodward (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Multifunctional and smart composites
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker), Olivier Hubert (Contributor) & Robert Woodward (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Made in Chitin: from fungi to textiles
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Black liquor based thermosets
Philip Verdross (Speaker), Robert Woodward (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Transparent PDMS Surfaces with Covalently Attached Lubricants for Enhanced Anti-Adhesion Performance
Tanja Eder (Speaker), Andreas Mautner (Contributor), Yufeng Xu (Contributor), Michael Reithofer (Contributor), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor) & Jia Min Chin (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Made in Chitin: from fungi to textiles
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Made in chitin: the magic of mushrooms
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
A possible route to measure meaningful polymer drag reduction in Taylor Couette flow
Hans Werner Müller (Speaker), Lukas Brandfellner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Explorin Drag Reduction for polymers with varying molecular weight distribution
Lukas Brandfellner (Speaker), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor) & Hans Werner Müller (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Made in chitin: The potential of fungal biopolymers
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Reconsidering the usage of hop biowaste from fermentation residues for the assessment of cellulose nano fibres
Veronika Biegler (Speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Fabrication of a flow-cell based on polyHIPEs
Julia Paulina Marie Jüstel (Speaker), Angelika Menner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
From naked to nacre: designing composites interfaces
Diana-Ioana Bratilescu (Speaker), Milo S. P. Shaffer (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Diana-Ioana Bratilescu (Speaker) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Turning liquids solid: from Emulsions to Micromixers
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker), Hande Barkan-Öztürk (Contributor) & Angelika Menner (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Biopolymers from fungi: a simple route to film forming chitin-glucans
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Black liquor based thermosets
Philip Verdross (Speaker), Salomé Guinchard (Contributor), Robert Woodward (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Interpenetrating polymer networks for hot lithography with high strength and high toughness
Florian Mayer (Speaker) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Polymer drag reduction: on the relation of molecular weight and drag reduction in turbulent pipe flows
Hans Werner Müller (Speaker), Lukas Brandfellner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Hierarchical Composites with high CNT loading made by continuous wet powder impregnation
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Fungal biorefinery: Upcycling waste to chitin-glucan nanomaterials with a promising future
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Mass screening: Connecting molecular weight distribution and drag reduction
Lukas Brandfellner (Speaker), Hans Werner Müller (Contributor), Emina Muratspahic (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Full Valorization of Agricultural Residues
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
The fungal biorefinery: chitin-glucan complex an exciting natural polymer blend
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
High performance materials: carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites
Diana-Ioana Bratilescu (Speaker) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Reppe meets Kraft: lignin-based materials with a natural carbon content of up to 100%; a perspective on sustainable polymers
Philip Verdross (Speaker), Robert T. Woodward (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
All weights are equal (but some are more equal than others)
Lukas Brandfellner (Speaker), Hans Werner Müller (Contributor), Emina Muratspahic (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Going round – Polymer solutions in Taylor-Couette flow
Lukas Brandfellner (Speaker), Hans Werner Müller (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Sulfonated hypercrosslinked polymer enhanced structural composite supercapacitors
Robert Woodward (Invited speaker), Olivier Hubert (Contributor), Nikola Todorovic (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Invited Perspective: Strong or Fluffy Nanopapers: How to utilise cellulose nanofibrils effectively?
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Kathrin Weiland (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Nanocellulose applications in polymer and composite materials
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Shake it to Make it: One Pot Approach to the Fabrication of Porous Materials From Pickering Emulsions and Foam Templates
Robert Woodward (Speaker), Qixiang Jiang (Contributor), Tommy Horozov (Speaker) & Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Hierarchical Composites with HIgh Carbon nanotube Loading
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Fungal Chitan-Glucan Complex: An Exciting Natural Polymer Blend
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Synthesizing, Modifying and Using Nanoparticle Stabilisers in One-Pot to Formulate Pickering Emulsion Templates
Qixiang Jiang (Speaker), Tommy Horozov (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Waste, No Waste: Manure as Source for Nanocellulose, Energy and More...
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Lignin Based Epoxy Resins
Philip Verdross (Speaker), Robert T. Woodward (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Breaking the Weakest Link - Drag Reduction of Hydrophobically Modified Polyacrylamide
Lukas Brandfellner (Speaker), Emina Muratspahic (Contributor), Hans Werner Müller (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Interplay of molecular weight distribution, drag reduction and degradation in shear for polyacrylamide
Lukas Brandfellner (Speaker), Emina Muratspahic (Contributor), Hans Werner Müller (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Polymer degradation and ageing of the poly(ethylene oxide) drag reduction reference system in long distance turbulent pipe flow
Hans Werner Müller (Speaker), Lukas Brandfellner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Grow it yourself composite: Delignification and hybridisation of herbivore manure using fungal growth
Kathrin Weiland (Contributor), Mitchell P. Jones (Contributor), Felix Zinsser (Contributor), Eero Kontturi (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Speaker) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Poop and Prejudice: Upcycling of manure into value added products
Kathrin Weiland (Speaker), Mitchell P. Jones (Contributor), Felix Zinsser (Contributor), E. Konturri (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Nature is a Friend! Bio-based nanomaterials for everyday things
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor), Mitchell P. Jones (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bauer (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface Energy of ligno-cellulosics: iGC as powerful tool for the analysis of sustainable materials
Andreas Mautner (Speaker) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Chitin-Glucan Nanopaper Networks from Fungi and Mycelium
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Wan Mohd Fazli Wan Nawawi (Contributor), Mitchell P. Jones (Contributor), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Poop and prejudice: upcycling of animal waste into value added products
Kathrin Weiland (Contributor), Mitchell P. Jones (Contributor), Felix Zinsser (Contributor), Eero Kontturi (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Speaker) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Balancing strength and ductility – Tough and transparent nanopapers through mercerisation
Florian Mayer (Speaker), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Bio-Pulping: Delignification and hybridisation of lignocellulosic material utilising fungi
Kathrin Weiland (Speaker), Mitchell P. Jones (Contributor), Felix Zinsser (Contributor), Eero Kontturi (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Catalytic metal bonding ofphosphinated cellulose and form-ation of nanocellulose in the process
Philip Verdross (Speaker), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Destiny of drag reducing agents in turbulent pipe flows
Hans Werner Müller (Speaker), Lukas Brandfellner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
High CNT loading nano and hierarchical composites
Neptun Yousefi (Speaker), Sandra J. Fisher (Contributor), Christoph Burgstaller (Contributor), Milo S. P. Shaffer (Contributor), Emile S. Greenhalgh (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Hydrophobically modified copolymer associations - A promising path to improve drag reduction?
Emina Muratspahic (Speaker), Hans Werner Müller (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Hypercrosslinked polyHIPEs as Pd-catalyst supports
Hande Barkan-Öztürk (Speaker), Angelika Menner (Contributor), Robert Woodward (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Plastic or elastic: Fungi-derived composite nano-papers with tunable properties
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor), Wan Mohd Fazli Wan Nawawi (Contributor), M. Jones (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Plastic or elastic: Fungi-derived composite nanopapers with tunable properties
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor), Wan M. F. B. W. Nawawi (Contributor), Mitchell P. Jones (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Polymer electrolyte as separator for structural super-capacitors
Olivier Hubert (Speaker) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Strong made weak: Composites with controllable stiffness and shape memory
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker) & Paul Robinson (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Shake it to Make it: One Pot Approach to the Fabrication of Porous Materials From Pickering Emulsions and Foam Templates
Robert T. Woodward (Invited speaker), Qixiang Jiang (Contributor), Tommy Horozov (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
TEMPO-CNF Foam Coated Viscose Substrates as Water Filters
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Qixiang Jiang (Contributor), Vesa Kunnari (Contributor), Aayush Jaiswal (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Renewable nanofibres from unusal resources: Nanocellulose from manure & Nanochitin from fungal biomass
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor), Mitchell P. Jones (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bauer (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
FOLLOW UP "Grünes Plastik – Von der Vision zur Anwendung"
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker), Jules A. W. Harings (Contributor), Andreas Eder (Contributor), Christoph Burgstaller (Contributor), Harald Bleier (Contributor) & Matthias Ottersböck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Biopolymere – Was wir von biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen erwarten dürfen
Andreas Mautner (Speaker) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Low-cost Waste-derived Mycelium Nanopapers
Andreas Mautner (Invited speaker), Mitchell P. Jones (Contributor), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor), Eero Kontturi (Contributor), Sabu John (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Water Filters by Foam coating of TEMPO-CNF
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Qixiang Jiang (Contributor), Vesa Kunnari (Contributor), Aayush Jaiswal (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
AUFTAKT "Grünes Plastik zwischen Hype und Realität: Was wir von biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen erwarten dürfen"
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker), Vasiliki-Maria Archodoulaki (Contributor), Christoph Burgstaller (Contributor), Florian Kamleitner (Contributor), Karl Kienzl (Contributor) & Gottfried Krapfenbauer-Brandner (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
The Presence and Activity of Dislocations in Semicrystalline Polymers and their Role in Affecting the Mechanical Properties
Michael Zehetbauer (Invited speaker), Florian Spieckermann (Contributor), Harald Wilhelm (Contributor), Erhard Schafler (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Hierarchical composites with high CNT loadings
Neptun Yousefi (Speaker), Maria Francesca Pernice (Contributor), Sandy Fisher (Contributor), David B. Anthony (Contributor), Emile S. Greenhalgh (Contributor), Milo S. P. Shaffer (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Impregnation of Cellulose Fibers with Charged Nanocellulose for Water Filters
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Marta Fortea Verdejo (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Chitin-chitosan Thin Films from Microbiologically Upcycled Agricultural By-products
Mitchell P. Jones (Speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor), Marina Kujundzic (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Contributor), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor) & Sabu John (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Sustainable Mycelium-derived Chitinous Thin Films
Mitchell P. Jones (Speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor), Marina Kujundzic (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Contributor), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor) & Sabu John (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
TEMPO-CNF epoxy hybrids for nanopapers with improved wet strength
Florian Mayer (Speaker), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Stupid polymers made smart: Composites with controllable stiffness and shape memory
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Foaming Nanocellulose for Coating Applications
Andreas Mautner (Invited speaker), Marta Fortea Verdejo (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Cellulose fibril emulsifiers: interesting and versatile
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker), Koon-Yang Lee (Contributor) & Ryo Murakami (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Challenges on specific surface area analysis of cellulosic materials
Anett Kondor (Speaker), Andreas Mautner (Contributor), Koon-Yang Lee (Contributor), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor) & Daryl Williams (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Elephantidae manure and biogas residue as potential raw material for the extraction of cellulose
Kathrin Weiland (Speaker), Bernhard Wlcek (Contributor), Ramon Enguidanos Requena (Contributor), Javier Lizasoain Arteaga (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Contributor), Alexander Bauer (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Energy efficient nanocellulose foam coating on cellulosic textiles for water filtration membranes
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor) & Marta Fortea Verdejo (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Foaming nanocellulose for coating applications
Marta Fortea Verdejo (Speaker), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor) & Andreas Mautner (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Fungal chitosan-glucan in water remediation applications
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor) & Jan Janesch (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Hybridization of nanaocelluloses for improved nanopaper properties
Florian Mayer (Speaker), Andreas Mautner (Contributor), Koon-Yang Lee (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Nanocellulose: What can go wrong?
Eero Kontturi (Speaker), Koon-Yang Lee (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Mycelium-derived Fungal Chitin Nanofibres from Low-cost Sugarcane By-products
Mitchell P. Jones (Speaker), Ann C. Lawrie (Contributor), Tien T. Huynh (Contributor), Paul D. Morrison (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Contributor), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor) & Sabu John (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Nano-Papers from Elephantidea Manure
Kathrin Weiland (Speaker), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
TEMPO-CNF in epoxy composites – integrated structural reinforcement and curing agent
Florian Mayer (Speaker), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Engineering nanopaper size-exclusion & adsorption membranes
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Koon-Yang Lee (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Wondering about Connectivity and Efficiency of Drilling Sites? DNA Tracers will tell you.
Nadine Barna (Speaker), Geoffrey Maitland (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
(Nano-)Cellulose inclusion compounds? No, just stuck to the surface
Andreas Mautner (Speaker) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Any good? Foam templating as route for tailor-made macroporous polymer foams
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker), Mohammad Jalalian (Contributor) & Qixiang Jiang (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
High performance polymer foams: How to push lots of air into PEEK, PEKK and TPI
Angelika Menner (Speaker), Dmitrii Rusakov (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Pushing the limits – producing highly porous epoxy resins
Patrick Steindl (Speaker), Angelika Menner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Better through synergy: Hybridised cellulose for nanopapers composites
Florian Mayer (Speaker), Andreas Mautner (Contributor), Koon-Yang Lee (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Cellulose Nanopaper Composites Based on Nanocellulose from Elephant Manure
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Emulsion template macroporous polymer as micromixer
Hande Barkan-Öztürk (Speaker), Angelika Menner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Paper-based composites for packaging applications
Marta Fortea Verdejo (Speaker), Amy Ho (Contributor), Hui Qian (Contributor), Robert K.Y. Li (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Porous polyetherketoneketone obtained by thermally induced phase separation
Angelika Menner (Speaker), Dmitrii Rusakov (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Biopolymere und circular economy – eine Vision für die Zukunft
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Cellulose Nanomaterials from Animal Waste
Andreas Mautner (Invited speaker), Kathrin Weiland (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Beat it! Foam Templated Macroporous Lignin Foams
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Included? Not included! (Nano)Cellulose inclusion compounds
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Are Nanoreinforced Natural Fibre Composites the Route Forward?
Marta Fortea Verdejo (Speaker), Koon-Yang Lee (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Waste, no Waste: Manure as source for valuable biomaterials.
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Cellulose Nanopaper Characteristics and their Influence on Composite Properties
Andreas Mautner (Speaker), Koon-Yang Lee (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Polystyrene encapsulated DNA Nanoparticles for Subsurface Tracer Technology
Nadine Magdalena Barna (Speaker), Geoffrey Maitland (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Printing flexible polymer energy-harvesting devices
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Interleaved thermosetting composites for in-mould coating and manufacturing of thick composite structures with improved fracture toughness
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker) & Siti Rosminah Shamsuddin (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Is hierarchy useful for natural fibre composites?
Marta Fortea Verdejo (Speaker), Alexander Bismarck (Contributor), Elias Bumbaris (Contributor), Alexis Tonneau (Contributor) & Koon-Yang Lee (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Are Hierarchical Composite Structures the Route to Improve Properties of Truly Green Composites?
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Better together: Synergy in Nanocellulose Blends
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Renewable Nanomaterials: The composition is important
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Turning Liquids Solid: Why using particles in emulsions makes all the difference
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Development of novel composites through fibre and interface/interphase modification
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Controllable Stiffness Composites: An Overview
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Turning Liquids Solid: Why using particles in emulsions makes all the difference
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Bovine Biomass Based Microfibrillated Cellulose Composites
Andreas Mautner (Contributor), N.A.M. Kamal (Contributor), Koon-Yang Lee (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Fibre Reinforced Nanocomposites: Creating Hierarchial Structures in Composites
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Biopolymers to make emulsions and using them as injectable scaffolds
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
High Performance Fibre Reinforced Nanocomposites: Creating hierarchical structures in composites
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Making useful engineering materials from bacterial cellulose
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Making the most of fibre off-cuts: Using nanocellulose as binder to create hierarchial composites
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Making the most out of bacterial cellulose: Renewable thermoplastic nano-papreg
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Macroporous Polymers: From emulsions to strong, permeable macroporous polymers
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Air-filled emulsions and oil foam templates for renewable macroporous polymers
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Thermoresponsive poly high internal phase emulsion hydrogels from inverse HIPEs: Potential injectable scaffolds
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Carbon Nanotubes as Reinforcement for Fine Structures
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Turning Liquids into Solids: From emulsions to strong, permeable macroporous polymers
Alexander Bismarck (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Making Polymers, Emulsions and Using Them as Injectable Scaffolds
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Hierarchical or Fibre Reinforced Nano-Composites: An opportunity to improve matrix dominated composite properties
Alexander Bismarck (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Engineering advanced polymer-fibre composites
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Extremely stable oligomer grafted silica nanoparticle stabilised oil-in-concentrated brine emulsions
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Making the most of fibre off-cuts: Using nanocellulose as binder to create hierarchical composites
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Engineered Fluids for Oil Field Applications
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Current research at the PaCE group
Alexander Bismarck (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Circular Bioengineering
Köllensperger, G., Ludwig, R., Bismarck, A., Zanghellini, J. & Woodward, R.
1/12/24 → 30/11/29
Project: Research funding
accelerating DC DYNAMIC cable technology for sustainable european electricity grid (DCDYNAMIC)
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Research funding
Bread-baking-inspired in situ upgrading of cellulose fibers into porous materials
1/04/21 → 31/03/25
Project: Research funding
Towards All-SOlid-state LI-batteries FunctionalLY intergrated in composite structures for next generation hybrid electric airline
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Research funding
DCAFM : Doctoral College Advanced Functional Materials
Dellago, C., Ayala, P., Arndt, M., Bismarck, A., Franchini, C., Gonzalez Herrero, L., Kantorovich, S., Kotakoski, J., Kresse, G., Likos, C., Pichler, T. & Rennhofer, C.
1/10/20 → 30/09/24
Project: Research funding
Co-corporeality_responsive spaces in the era of Biomediality
1/05/19 → 31/10/21
Project: Research funding
HyFiSyn: Hybrid Fibre-reinforced composites: achieving Synergetic effects through microstructural design and advanced simulation tools
1/06/18 → 31/05/22
Project: Research funding
Department of Materials Chemistry
Währinger Straße 42
1090 Wien
Room: 2140
T: +43-1-4277-71301