Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gunda Köllensperger
T: +43-1-4277-52303
Summer term 2025
270103 PR Bachelor Laboratory Course B - Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry
530020 SE Seminar in Analytical Chemistry - Lecture and discussion forum of diverse topics in Analytical Chemistry
Winter term 2024
270103 PR Bachelor Laboratory Course B - Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry
270242 VO Metabolomics
Summer term 2024
270103 PR Bachelor Laboratory Course B - Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry
530020 SE Seminar in Analytical Chemistry - Lecture and discussion forum of diverse topics in Analytical Chemistry
530021 SE Journal Club Analytical Chemistry - for Master and Diploma Studies
1 - 20 out of 200

Ganhör, C., Mayr, L., Zolles, J., Almeder, M., Kazemi, M., Mandl, M., Wechselberger, C., Bandke, D., Theiner, S., Doppler, C., Schweikert, A., Müller, M., Puh, Š., Kotnik, M., Langer, R., Koellensperger, G., & Bernhard, D. (2024). Airborne Aluminum as an Underestimated Source of Human Exposure: Quantification of Aluminum in 24 Human Tissue Types Reveals High Aluminum Concentrations in Lung and Hilar Lymph Node Tissues. Environmental Science and Technology, 58(26), 11292-11300. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.4c01910

Rebnegger, C., Coltman, B. L., Kowarz, V., Peña, D. A., Mentler, A., Troyer, C., Hann, S., Schoeny, H., Koellensperger, G., Mattanovich, D., & Gasser, B. (2024). Protein production dynamics and physiological adaptation of recombinant Komagataella phaffii at near-zero growth rates. Microbial Cell Factories, 23(1), Article 43. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12934-024-02314-3

Zuffa, S., Schmid, R., Bauermeister, A., Paulo, P. W., Caraballo-Rodriguez, A. M., El Abiead, Y., Aron, A. T., Gentry, E. C., Zemlin, J., Meehan, M. J., Avalon, N. E., Cichewicz, R. H., Buzun, E., Terrazas, M. C., Hsu, C. Y., Oles, R., Ayala, A. V., Zhao, J., Chu, H., ... Dorrestein, P. C. (2024). microbeMASST: a taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data. Nature Microbiology, 9(2), 336-345. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-023-01575-9

Rußmayer, H., Buchetics, M., Mattanovich, M., Neubauer, S., Steiger, M., Graf, A. B., Koellensperger, G., Hann, S., Sauer, M., Gasser, B., & Mattanovich, D. (2023). Customizing amino acid metabolism of Pichia pastoris for recombinant protein production. Biotechnology Journal, 18(12), Article 2300033. https://doi.org/10.1002/biot.202300033

Van Acker, T., Theiner, S., Bolea-Fernandez, E., Vanhaecke, F., & Koellensperger, G. (2023). Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 3(1), Article 52. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43586-023-00235-w

Baier, D., Mendrina, T., Schoenhacker-Alte, B., Pirker, C., Mohr, T., Rusz, M., Regner, B., Schaier, M., Sgarioto, N., Raynal, N. J. M., Nowikovsky, K., Schmidt, W. M., Heffeter, P., Meier-Menches, S. M., Koellensperger, G., Keppler, B. K., & Berger, W. (2023). The Lipid Metabolism as Target and Modulator of BOLD-100 Anticancer Activity: Crosstalk with Histone Acetylation. Advanced science, 10(32), Article 2301939. https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202301939

Babu, T., Ghareeb, H., Basu, U., Schueffl, H., Theiner, S., Heffeter, P., Koellensperger, G., Metanis, N., Gandin, V., Ott, I., Schmidt, C., & Gibson, D. (2023). Oral Anticancer Heterobimetallic PtIV−AuI Complexes Show High In Vivo Activity and Low Toxicity. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 62(10), Article e202217233. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202217233

1 - 20 out of 200

Introducing a general cell membrane marker for bioimaging with LA-ICP-TOFMS

Claude Molitor (Speaker), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Elisabeth Föls (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

19 Nov 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Less is More: Enhancing Glioblastoma Metabolomics by Minimizing Tissue Requirements

Christina Brenner (Speaker), Sagar Acharya (Contributor), Gilbert Hangel (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

23 Sept 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Get on the TRAM - Combining targeted and non-targeted metabolomics in a single run on the ZenoTOF 7600

Lisa Panzenböck (Invited speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Bruno Stelzer (Contributor), Elisabeth Föls (Contributor), Marvin Glas (Contributor), Marlene Pühringer (Contributor), Dorian Hirschmann (Contributor), Daniela Loetsch (Contributor), Christian Dorfer (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

18 Sept 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Introducing a general cell membrane marker for bioimaging with LA-ICP-TOFMS

Claude Molitor (Speaker), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Elisabeth Föls (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

12 Sept 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Introducing a General Cell Membrane Marker for Bioimaging with LA-ICP-(TOF)MS

Claude Molitor (Speaker), David Loibnegger (Contributor), Elisabeth Föls (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Petra Vician (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

12 Sept 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

One-size-fits-all water purification: Hypercrosslinked polymer-nanocellulose hybrid membranes

Robert Woodward (Speaker), Florian Mayer (Contributor), Paul Schweng (Contributor), Simone Bräuer (Contributor), Sebastian Hummer (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Andreas Mautner (Contributor) & Alexander Bismarck (Contributor)

18 Aug 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Elemental bioimaging using LA-ICP-TOFMS

Martin Schaier (Invited speaker), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Elisabeth Föls (Contributor), David Loibnegger (Contributor), Claude Molitor (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

2 Jul 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

How to assess limits of detection for single-cell elemental bioimaging by LA-ICP-MS

Elisabeth Föls (Contributor), Claude Molitor (Contributor), David Loibnegger (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Simone Bräuer (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

2 Jul 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Introducing a general cell membrane marker for bioimaging with LA-ICP-TOFMS

Claude Molitor (Speaker), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Elisabeth Föls (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

2 Jul 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Unraveling cobalt skin permeation and cellular interactions: Novel insights from LA-ICP-TOFMS imaging

Martin Schaier (Speaker), Paulina Werner (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Nanna Fhyrquist (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

2 Jul 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

MobiLipid: A Tool for Enhancing CCS Quality Control of Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry Lipidomics Workflows by Internal Standardization

Felina Hildebrand (Invited speaker), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor) & Tim Causon (Contributor)

26 Jun 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Challenges of integrating metallome analysis in exposomics workflows

Simone Bräuer (Speaker), Max Lennart Feuerstein (Contributor), Elisabeth Föls (Speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Tina Buerki-Thurnherr (Contributor), Raimund Widhalm (Contributor), Claudia Gundacker (Contributor), Benedikt Warth (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

24 Jun 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

MobiLipid: A Tool for Enhancing CCS Quality Control of Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry Lipidomics Workflows by Internal Standardization

Felina Hildebrand (Invited speaker), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor) & Tim Causon (Contributor)

20 Jun 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Assessment of cobalt skin penetration at the single-cell level by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma time of flight mass spectrometry

Martin Schaier (Speaker), Paulina Werner (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Nanna Fhyrquist (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

17 Jun 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science


Claude Molitor (Speaker), David Loibnegger (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

17 Jun 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science


Gabriel Braun (Speaker), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

17 Jun 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Translational Metallomics for Metal-based Anti-Cancer Drug Development

David Loibnegger (Speaker), Simone Bräuer (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Elisabeth Föls (Contributor), Claude Molitor (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

17 Jun 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Unraveling cobalt skin permeation and cellular interactions by LA-ICP-TOFMS imaging

Martin Schaier (Invited speaker), Paulina Werner (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Nanna Fhyrquist (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

22 May 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Compact Samples, Comprehensive Analysis: Miniaturized Sample Preparation for Glioblastoma Metabolomics

Christina Brenner (Speaker), Sagar Acharya (Contributor), Gilbert Hangel (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

16 May 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Assessing the Muscle Metabolome in Malignant Hyperthermia

Helena Hyo Gyoung Kim (Speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Andrea Michalek-Sauberer (Contributor), Sergej Milovic (Contributor), Lukas Weigl (Contributor), Ibarra Moreno (Contributor), Janusz Pawliszyn (Contributor), Coral Barbas (Contributor), Barbara Bojko (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

15 May 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Compact Samples, Comprehensive Analysis: Miniaturized Sample Preparation for Glioblastoma Metabolomics

Christina Brenner (Speaker), Sagar Acharya (Contributor), Gilbert Hangel (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

24 Apr 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Internal one-point calibration using isotopically labeled biomass for IDMS-metabolomics

Veronika Fitz (Speaker), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

21 Feb 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Expanding the Toolbox of Immuno-Mass Spectrometry Imaging by LA-ICP-TOFMS Towards Endogenous Elements

Sarah Theiner (Keynote speaker), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), David Loibnegger (Contributor), Elisabeth Foels (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

15 Jan 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Cross-Validation in Lipidomics – towards a standardized and harmonized omics discipline

Harald Schöny (Speaker) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

27 Sept 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Ultraviolet Photodissociation and Electron-Activated Dissociation Fragmentation Strategies for the Structural Characterization of Gangliosides

Katharina Hohenwallner (Speaker), Marlene Pühringer (Speaker), Leonida M. Lamp (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Gavin Reid (Contributor), Jürgen Hartler (Contributor) & Evelyn Rampler (Contributor)

27 Sept 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Glycolipidomics and diversity empowerment strategies in the field of mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler (Keynote speaker), Katharina Hohenwallner (Contributor), Marlene Pühringer (Contributor), Gavin Reid (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Dominik Egger (Contributor), Jürgen Hartler (Contributor), Erin S. Baker (Contributor), Kaylie I. Kirkwood (Contributor), Michaela Schwaiger-Haber (Contributor), Maggie Tam (Contributor), Marissa A. Jones (Contributor) & Melissa Sherman (Contributor)

12 Sept 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Metallomics and the single cell

Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Anna Schöberl (Contributor), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Claude Molitor (Contributor), Elisabeth Foels (Contributor), David Loibnegger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

27 Aug 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Quantitative metabolomics – the power of isotopically labelled biomass

Harald Schöny (Contributor), Veronika Fitz (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Felina Hildebrand (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

18 Jun 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Impact of albumin-targeting on the anticancer activity and tumor distribution of platinum(IV) prodrugs

Hemma Schueffl (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Oliver Baumfried (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Anton Legin (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor), Christian Kowol (Invited speaker) & Petra Heffeter (Speaker)

11 Jun 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Accurate Lipid Quantification- Challenges and Solutions

Harald Schöny (Speaker) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

11 May 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Optimizing high-throughput sample preparation of volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS) for targeted LC-MS metabolomics

Bruno Stelzer (Speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

11 May 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Evaluating the skin permeation of exogenous metals at the single-cell level by LA-ICP-TOFMS imaging

Martin Schaier (Speaker), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Paulina Werner (Contributor), Lukas Wisgrill (Contributor), Nanna Fyhrquist (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

11 Apr 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

An interactive workflow for single-cell multiplexed image analysis

Gabriel Braun (Speaker), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Anna Schöberl (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Christoph Bueschl (Contributor), Jürgen Zanghellini (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

29 Jan 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Single cell metallomics

Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Anna Schöberl (Contributor), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Claude Molitor (Contributor), Elisabeth Foels (Contributor), David Loibnegger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

29 Jan 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The value of the cellular metallome for immuno-mass spectrometry imaging by LA-ICP-TOFMS

Sarah Theiner (Keynote speaker), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Dina Baier (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

29 Jan 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Integrating the cellular metallome in the workflow of immuno-mass spectrometry imaging by LA-ICP-TOFMS

Sarah Theiner (Speaker), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), David Loibnegger (Contributor), Dina Baier (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

17 Nov 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LA-ICP-TOFMS as a tool for exploring the mechanisms of chemoresistance in oxaliplatin-treated HCT116 tumors

Martin Schaier (Speaker), Sarah Theiner (Speaker), Dina Baier (Contributor), Gabriel Braun (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

17 Nov 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

A human-in-the-loop workflow for single-cell multiplexed image analysis

Gabriel Braun (Keynote speaker), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Anna Schöberl (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Christoph Bueschl (Contributor), Jürgen Zanghellini (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

19 Sept 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LC-HRMS Metabolomics and Lipidomics of Human Meningioma Tissue and Cerebrospinal Fluid

Lisa Panzenböck (Speaker), Elisabeth Foels (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Dorian Hirschmann (Contributor), Petra Volejnik (Contributor), Daniela Loetsch (Contributor), Christian Dorfer (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

19 Sept 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Metabolomics- fit for purpose workflows

Harald Schöny (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Veronika Fitz (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Felina Hildebrand (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Mate Rusz (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

18 Sept 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Metabolomics- Validation in omics-scale of analysis

Harald Schöny (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Veronika Fitz (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Felina Hildebrand (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Mate Rusz (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

15 Sept 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Comprehensive LC-MSn based ganglioside profiling in native and differentiated human mesenchymal stem cells

Katharina Hohenwallner (Speaker), Nina Nicole Troppmair (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Cornelia Kasper (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Leonida M. Lamp (Contributor), Jürgen Hartler (Contributor), Dominik Egger (Contributor) & Evelyn Rampler (Contributor)

13 Sept 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Metabolomics and Lipidomics Analysis of Human Meningioma Tissue and Cerebrospinal Fluid Within a Single Analytical Run

Lisa Panzenböck (Speaker), Elisabeth Foels (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Dorian Hirschmann (Contributor), Petra Volejnik (Contributor), Daniela Loetsch (Contributor), Christian Dorfer (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

13 Sept 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

High-resolution LA-ICP-TOFMS imaging of asbestos fibers in human malignant mesothelioma tissue

Sarah Theiner (Speaker), Oana M. Voloaca (Contributor), Laura M. Cole (Contributor), Malcolm R. Clench (Contributor), Sarah L. Haywood-Small (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

12 Jul 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Metabolomics enabled by isotopically labelled biomass

Harald Schöny (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Veronika Fitz (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Felina Hildebrand (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Mate Rusz (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

12 Jul 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Micro-droplet-based calibration for quantitative elemental bioimaging by LA-ICPMS

Andreas Schweikert (Speaker), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Martin Sala (Contributor), Petra Vician (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

12 Jul 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The Uptake of Metal-Based Anticancer Drugs in Macrophage Subtypes at the Single-Cell Level by LA-ICP-TOFMS Imaging

Anna Schöberl (Speaker), Michael Gutmann (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

5 Jul 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Impact of albumin-targeting on the pharmacology, tissue distribution and anticancer activity of an oxaliplatin(IV) bismaleimide prodrug in vivo

Hemma Schueffl (Speaker), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor), Christian Kowol (Contributor), Anton Legin (Contributor) & Petra Heffeter (Speaker)

29 Jun 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Scrutinizing and Compensating Different Ionization Responses of Phospholipids in a Reversed-phase Gradient by Implementing a Counter Gradient

Felina Hildebrand (Speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

18 Jun 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Simultaneous Metabolomics and Lipidomics Analysis of Human Meningioma Tissue and Cerebrospinal Fluid

Lisa Panzenböck (Speaker), Elisabeth Foels (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Dorian Hirschmann (Contributor), Petra Volejnik (Contributor), Daniela Loetsch (Contributor), Christian Dorfer (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

18 Jun 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Fatty sweet symphony: Comprehensive LC-MSn glycolipidomics assay unravels ganglioside patterns of native and differentiated human mesenchymal stem cells

Katharina Hohenwallner (Speaker), Nina Nicole Troppmair (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Cornelia Kasper (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Leonida M. Lamp (Contributor), Juergen Hartler (Contributor), Dominik Egger (Contributor) & Evelyn Rampler (Contributor)

13 Jun 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Scrutinizing and Compensating Different Ionization Responses of Phospholipids in a Reversed-phase Gradient by Implementing a Counter Gradient

Felina Hildebrand (Speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

13 Jun 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Single cell analysis by elemental mass spectrometry- recent developments and application

Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

13 Jun 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

New avenues in high-resolution mass spectrometry-based lipidomics and glycolipidomics analysis

Evelyn Rampler (Keynote speaker), Katharina Hohenwallner (Contributor), Marlene Pühringer (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Cornelia Kasper (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Leonida M. Lamp (Contributor), Jürgen Hartler (Speaker) & Dominik Egger (Contributor)

13 May 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Glycolipids at the forefront using liquid chromatography, high-resolution mass spectrometry, and multistage fragmentation

Evelyn Rampler (Keynote speaker), Katharina Hohenwallner (Contributor), Marlene Pühringer (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Cornelia Kasper (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Leonida M. Lamp (Contributor), Jürgen Hartler (Contributor) & Dominik Egger (Contributor)

8 Mar 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

High-resolution and high-speed imaging by LA-ICP-TOFMS

Sarah Theiner (Invited speaker), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), Oana M. Voloaca (Contributor), Laura M. Cole (Contributor), Malcolm R. Clench (Contributor), Sarah L. Haywood-Small (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

16 Jan 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

SIngle-cell analysis and quantitative multi-element imaging by LA-ICP-TOFMS

Sarah Theiner (Invited speaker), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Dina Baier (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

16 Jan 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

High-resolution and high speed bioimaging using LA-ICP-TOFMS

Sarah Theiner (Keynote speaker), Anna Schöberl (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), Dina Baier (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

11 Nov 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Fatty Sweet Symphony: Novel Mass Spectrometry-Based Workflows For Lipid And Glycolipid Analysis

Evelyn Rampler (Keynote speaker), Katharina Hohenwallner (Contributor), Nina Nicole Troppmair (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Juergen Hartler (Contributor) & Dominik Egger (Contributor)

9 Nov 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LC-MSn based glycolipidomics to monitor gangliosides and their potential as cell differentiation markers in human mesenchymal stem cells

Evelyn Rampler (Speaker), Katharina Hohenwallner (Contributor), Nina Nicole Troppmair (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Juergen Hartler (Contributor) & Dominik Egger (Contributor)

31 Oct 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Scrutinizing current limits of non-targeted data pre-processing

Yasin El Abiead (Speaker), Maximilian Milford (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

31 Oct 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LA-ICP-TOFMS as a tool for evaluating metal-based anticancer drugs in the tumour microenvironment at the single-cell level

Martin Schaier (Speaker), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Dina Baier (Contributor), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

20 Oct 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Novel analytical methods for quantitative lipidomics and non-targeted metabolomics using high resolution mass spectrometry

Felina Hildebrand (Speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

20 Oct 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Systematic investigation of LC-MS miniaturization in wide-target small molecule bioanalysis - considerations for practical implementation

Veronika Fitz (Speaker), Daniel Berger (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

20 Oct 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LC-MSn based glycolipidomics to monitor gangliosides and their potential as cell differentiation markers in human mesenchymal stem cells

Evelyn Rampler (Speaker), Katharina Hohenwallner (Contributor), Nina Nicole Troppmair (Contributor), Lisa Panzenböck (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Juergen Hartler (Contributor) & Dominik Egger (Contributor)

18 Oct 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Systematic investigation of LC-MS miniaturization in wide-target small molecule bioanalysis - considerations for practical implementation

Veronika Fitz (Speaker), Daniel Berger (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

18 Oct 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

A novel lipid droplet specific LC-MSn workflow for investigating therapy-resistance mechanisms in human colon cancer

Katharina Hohenwallner (Invited speaker), Dina Baier (Contributor), Theresa Mendrina (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Evelyn Rampler (Contributor)

5 Oct 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LA-ICP-TOFMS as a tool for evaluating metal-based anticancer drugs in the tumour microenvironment at the single-cell level

Martin Schaier (Speaker), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Dina Baier (Contributor), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

23 Sept 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Automated assignment of glycosyl inositol phospho ceramides using Lipid Data Analyzer

Lisa Panzenböck (Speaker), Nina Nicole Troppmair (Contributor), Sara Schlachter (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Jürgen Hartler (Contributor) & Evelyn Rampler (Contributor)

7 Sept 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Current limits of non-targeted data pre-processing in small molecule research

Yasin El Abiead (Speaker), Maximilian Milford (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

7 Sept 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Systematic investigation of LC-MS miniaturization to enhance sensitivity in wide-target LC-MS-based trace bioanalysis of small molecules

Veronika Fitz (Speaker), Daniel Berger (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

7 Sept 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Utilizing a counter gradient in reversed phase-based lipid quantification to reduce matrix effects during ionization

Felina Hildebrand (Speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

7 Sept 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Establishing antibody labelling procedures for the imaging of in vivo samples using LA-ICP-TOF-MS

Martin Schaier (Speaker), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Dina Baier (Contributor), Andreas Schweikert (Speaker), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

11 Jun 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Mass spectrometry-based lipid quantification by reversed phase chromatography utilizing a counter gradient

Felina Hildebrand (Speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

11 Jun 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Micro-droplet-based calibration for quantitative elemental bioimaging by LA-ICPMS

Andreas Schweikert (Speaker), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Debora Wernitznig (Contributor), Anna Schöberl (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Sophie Neumayer (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

11 Jun 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Non-targeted mass spectrometry for elucidating the exposome and its impact on the endogenous metabolome

Mira Flasch (Speaker), Veronika Fitz (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor) & Benedikt Warth (Contributor)

11 Jun 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Improving Quantitative Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling of CHO

Diana Széliová (Speaker), David E. Ruckerbauer (Contributor), Jerneja Štor (Contributor), Dmytro Iurashev (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Michael Hanscho (Contributor), Stephan Hann (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Isabel Rocha (Contributor), Nicole Borth (Contributor) & Jürgen Zanghellini (Contributor)

1 Mar 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The other way! - Alternative lipid quantification via RP-LC and 13C-labeled internal standard

Harald Schöny (Speaker), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Felina Hildebrand (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

1 Mar 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

mzRAPP – a tool for reliability assessment of non-targeted LC-HRMS data pre-processing

Yasin El Abiead (Invited speaker), Maximilian Milford (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

9 Feb 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

How accurate is my lipid quantification? Insights into internal standardization by uncertainty calculation

Harald Schöny (Speaker), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Felina Hildebrand (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

29 Sept 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

mzRAPP – a tool for reliability assessment of non-targeted LC-HRMS data pre-processing

Yasin El Abiead (Invited speaker), Maximilian Milford (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

3 Apr 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Benchmarking (non-)targeted metabolomics and lipidomics using yeast derived libraries

Evelyn Rampler (Invited speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Mate Rusz (Contributor), Felina Hildebrand (Contributor), Katharina Hohenwallner (Contributor), Veronika Fitz (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

22 Jan 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The power of LC-MS based multiomics to explore human adipogenesis

Evelyn Rampler (Speaker), Dominik Egger (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Mate Rusz (Contributor), Cornelia Kasper (Contributor), Thomas Nägele (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

22 Jan 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

How to solve the limits in absolute quantification on reversed phase LC-MS-based lipidomics approaches? -A novel flow injection/ reversed phase LC-MS workflow with LILY as ISTD

Harald Schöny (Speaker), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Felina Hildebrand (Contributor), Olivia Zach (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

10 Nov 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Improved identification and quantification of human plasma SRM 1950 using LILY and LC-MS methods

Evelyn Rampler (Speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Michaela Schwaiger-Haber (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

20 Oct 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Quantification for bioimaging using LA-ICP-TOFMS

Andreas Schweikert (Speaker), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Anna Schöberl (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

23 Sept 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Strategies for the introduction of single cells into ICP-TOFMS to enable multi-element analysis

Anna Schöberl (Speaker), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Sophie Neumayer (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

23 Sept 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

High-throughput and low volume analysis of biologically essential trace elements in cerebrospinal fluid using ICP-TOF-MS

Anastassiya Tchaikovsky (Speaker), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Anna Schöberl (Contributor), Lisa Fischer (Contributor) & Stephan Hann (Contributor)

26 Jun 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Preparation and characterization of an isotopically enriched (57Fe) ferritin standard for species specific isotope dilution mass spectrometry

Anastassiya Tchaikovsky (Speaker), Anna Schöberl (Contributor), S. Emin (Speaker), Sophie Neumayer (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

26 Jun 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Merging workflows in metabolomics-strategies for increasing throughput, selectivity and coverage

Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Mate Rusz (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

16 Jun 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Reliability estimation for data pre-processing in untargeted metabolomics

Yasin El Abiead (Speaker), Maximilian Milford (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Speaker)

25 Mar 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Single cell analysis enabled by ICP-TOF-MS

Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), A. Schoeberl (Contributor) & Sophie Neumayer (Contributor)

25 Mar 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

13C Internal standardization in lipidomics

Harald Schöny (Speaker), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Ulrike Grienke (Contributor), Judith Maria Rollinger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

25 Mar 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

13C Internal standardization in lipidomics

Harald Schöny (Speaker), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

18 Mar 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Improved identification and quantification of human plasma SRM 1950 using LILY and LC-MS methods

Evelyn Rampler (Speaker), Harald Schöny (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Michaela Schwaiger-Haber (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

19 Feb 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Analytical workflows for research on metal based anticancer drugs - Applications of ICP-TOF-MS

Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Anna Schöberl (Contributor), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), Sophie Neumayer (Contributor), Luis Galvez (Contributor), Martin Schaier (Contributor), Anastassiya Tchaikovsky (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

3 Feb 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

ICP-TOFMS an emerging tool in research on metal based drugs

Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

3 Feb 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

High resolution LA-ICP-TOF-MS imaging in preclinical metal-based anticancer drug research

Sarah Theiner (Speaker), Andreas Schweikert (Contributor), Anton Legin (Contributor), Debora Wernitznig (Contributor), Stijn J. M. Van Malderen (Contributor), Thibaut Van Acker (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor), Frank Vanhaecke (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

26 Jun 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Aiming at high throughput in atomic spectroscopy

Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Sophie Neumayer (Contributor), Anna Schöberl (Contributor), Luis Galvez (Contributor), M. Schaier (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

10 Apr 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Standardization in metabolomics and lipidomics workflows

Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Michaela Schwaiger-Haber (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Harald Schöny (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

10 Apr 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Die Herausforderungen bei der Identifizierung von polaren Stoffwechselprodukten in Zellen

Michaela Schwaiger (Invited speaker), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

13 Feb 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

ICP-MS based quantification in "omics" applications

Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

8 Jan 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

In vitro investigations on oxaliplatin – a comparison study of resistant and sensitive cells

Luis Galvez (Speaker), Mate Rusz (Contributor), Michaela Schwaiger-Haber (Contributor), Michael Jakupec (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

8 Jan 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Multimodal imaging of multicellular tumor spheroids upon metallodrug treatment

Sarah Theiner (Speaker), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Stijn J. M. Van Malderen (Contributor), Thibaut Van Acker (Contributor), M. Holzlechner (Contributor), A. Svirkova (Contributor), Martina Marchetti-Deschmann (Contributor), Anton Legin (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor), Frank Vanhaecke (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

8 Jan 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast. Novel quantitative lipidomics workflows based on 13C reference lipids and HRMS.

Evelyn Rampler (Invited speaker), H. Schoeny (Contributor), B. M. Mitic (Contributor), Michaela Schwaiger (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), D. Peake (Contributor), A. Criscuolo (Contributor), M. Zeller (Contributor), K. Cook (Contributor), B. Delanghe (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

27 Sept 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast 13C labeled lipid applications based on C30 RP chromatography coupled to high resolution MS with the Fusion Lumos

Evelyn Rampler (Invited speaker), Michaela Schwaiger-Haber (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), David A. Peake (Contributor), Angela Criscuolo (Contributor), Martin Zeller (Contributor), Ken Cook (Contributor), Bernard Delanghe (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

17 Sept 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Metallomics and metabolomics studies in preclinical anticancer research of oxaliplatin

Luis Galvez (Speaker), Michaela Schwaiger (Contributor), Sonja Hager (Contributor), Christian Kowol (Contributor), Petra Heffeter (Contributor), Walter Berger (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

14 Aug 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Multimodal imaging of multicellular tumor spheroids by MALDI-MS and high- resolution LA-ICP-MS

Sarah Theiner (Speaker), S. Van Malderen (Contributor), M. Holzlechner (Contributor), A. Svirkova (Contributor), T. Van Acker (Contributor), Anton Legin (Contributor), Michael Jakupec (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor), Martina Marchetti-Deschmann (Contributor), Frank Vanhaecke (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

14 Aug 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Selectivity, metabolite coverage and analytical throughput - how to address these conflicting goals in LC-MS based metabolomic workflows?

Gunda Köllensperger (Speaker), Michaela Schwaiger (Contributor), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Mate Rusz (Contributor), Luis Galvez (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor) & Gerrit Hermann (Contributor)

18 Jun 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Understanding the metabolism of the anticancer drug Triapine by application of electrochemistry and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry

Karla Pelivan (Speaker), Lisa Frensemeier (Contributor), Uwe Karst (Contributor), Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor), Björn Bielec (Contributor), Petra Heffeter (Contributor), Christian Kowol (Contributor) & Bernhard Keppler (Contributor)

12 May 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LC-MS Strategies in the Field of Metabolomics

Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

3 Apr 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Anion chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry: a powerful tool for targeted and non-targeted metabolomics

Michaela Schwaiger (Speaker), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

26 Mar 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

IC-MS-Kopplung für targeted und non-targeted Metabolomics

Michaela Schwaiger (Speaker), Yasin El Abiead (Contributor), Evelyn Rampler (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

16 Mar 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

High resolution LA-ICP-MS imaging in three dimensional tumor spheroids

Sarah Theiner (Speaker), S. Van Malderen (Contributor), T. Van Acker (Contributor), Anton Legin (Contributor), Michael Jakupec (Contributor), Bernhard Keppler (Contributor), Frank Vanhaecke (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

19 Feb 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

It is metallomics, isn't it?

Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker), Luis Galvez Montano (Contributor), Sarah Theiner (Contributor), Michaela Schwaiger (Contributor) & Stephan Hann (Contributor)

19 Feb 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Absolute Quantification of Amino Acids in Human Plasma Exploiting 13C-Labeled Yeast Extracts as Source for Metabolites

Gerrit Hermann (Speaker), Michaela Schwaiger (Contributor), Petra Volejnik (Contributor), Karin Ortmayr (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

16 Feb 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

U13C-labeled yeast extracts as internal standard for LC-MS/MS based amino acid quantification in human plasma

Gerrit Hermann (Invited speaker), Michaela Schwaiger (Contributor), Petra Volejnik (Contributor), Karin Ortmayr (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

13 Feb 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast: In vivo synthesis of 13C labeled reference lipids for quantification by mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler (Keynote speaker), Cristina Coman (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Robert Ahrends (Contributor), Albert Sickmann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

1 Feb 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast: In vivo synthesis of 13C labeled reference lipids for quantification by mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler (Speaker), Cristina Coman (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Robert Ahrends (Contributor), Albert Sickmann (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

13 Nov 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast: In vivo synthesis of 13C labeled reference lipids for quantification by mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler (Speaker), Cristina Coman (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Kristaps Klavins (Contributor), Robert Ahrends (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

13 Nov 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Metabolomics- from targeted analysis to non-targeted fingerprinting

Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

22 Sept 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Production of 13C labeled reference lipids for absolute quantification by mass spectrometry

Evelyn Rampler (Speaker), Cristina Coman (Contributor), Gerrit Hermann (Contributor), Kristaps Klavins (Contributor), Robert Ahrends (Contributor) & Gunda Köllensperger (Contributor)

5 Sept 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

LC-MS based metabolomics strategies towards selectivity and high metabolome coverage

Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

8 Jun 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Analytical challenges in metabolomics

Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

31 Mar 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Mass Spectrometric Assays in Preclinical Studies on Metallodrugs

Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

11 Jan 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

The assisting role of elemental speciation analysis in metabolomics and proteomics

Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

9 Sept 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Applications of stable isotopes in mass spectrometry

Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

7 May 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Elemental speciation analysis - current developments and future perspectives

Gunda Köllensperger (Keynote speaker)

23 Mar 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Sulfur speciation analysis in biotechnology

Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

24 Feb 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

The changing scope of elemental speciation analysis

Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

17 Oct 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Protein quantification using in vivo synthesized isotopically enriched standards protein quantification by sulfur traceable to SI

Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

28 Sept 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

The potential of elemental speciation analysis in the “omics” era

Gunda Köllensperger (Invited speaker)

6 Jan 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

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