M: +43-664-8175656
Consultation hours: By personal appointment at the department.
For questions concerning studies legislations only through the Office of the Studienpraeses.
E-mail for issues in Studies Legislations: buero.studienpraeses@univie.ac.at
Research group: https://pchem.univie.ac.at/en/research-groups/chemical-sensing-and-rapid-analysis/
Towards Mass-Sensitive Assay Formats for Medical Drugs Using MIP Nanobodies
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker), Julia Völkle (Contributor), Dalawan Limthin (Contributor) & Darinee Promthoyin (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
A Closer Look on the Surfaces of MIP Thin Films
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker), Felix Thier (Contributor), Birgit Bräuer (Contributor), Chiara Luna Onorati (Contributor) & Martin Werner (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecularly Imprinted Polymer “Antibodies” to Recognize Biological Species and Bioactive Molecules
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker), Julia Völkle (Contributor), S. Alzahrani (Contributor), Wisnu Arfian Anditya Sudjarwo (Contributor), C. Hlapoerm (Contributor), P. Longsomboon (Contributor), K. Sirivibulkovit (Contributor), D. Limthin (Contributor), Rungtiva P. Poo-arporn (Contributor) & D. Promyothin (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
In-situ polymerization thin film for sensing carbonaceous nanoparticles.
Houra Hadadi (Speaker) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Signal enhancement for gravimetric biomimetic detection – conjugation of molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles to metal nanoparticles
Julia Völkle (Speaker), A. Weiß (Contributor), Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor) & Philipp Fruhmann (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
A Closer Look to the Interface: Factors Governing Binding Between Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Thin Films and their Targets
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker), Felix Thier (Contributor), Chiara Luna Onorati (Contributor), Julia Völkle (Contributor), K. Sirivibulkovit (Contributor), Martin Werner (Contributor) & Philipp Fruhmann (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Can polymers replace proteins in assays? Chances and challenges
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker), S.S. Alzahrani (Contributor), K. Sirivibulkovit (Contributor) & Chiara Luna Onorati (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Dengue NS1 QCM Sensor based on Epitope-imprinted Polymers
K. Sirivibulkovit (Speaker), D. J. Windisch (Contributor), Markus Muttenthaler (Contributor), P. Saetear (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Magnetite Nanoparticle Sensing – in-situ Polymerization on QCM Surfaces
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker), Mahdieh Bagheri (Contributor), Shahin Haghdoust (Contributor), Soroush Bakhshi Sichani (Contributor) & Patrick Wagner (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Acetophenone Sensing via Conductive Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (cMIP) Blends
Adriana Katharina Feldner (Speaker), Marco Hermann Berchtel (Contributor), Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor) & Philipp Fruhmann (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Towards rapid and cost-effective sensing for thrombocyte viability monitoring using QCM
Felix Thier (Speaker) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Conductive Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (cMIP) Blends for VOC Sensing
Adriana Katharina Feldner (Speaker), Vincent Nussbaumer (Contributor), Gregor Zimmermann (Contributor), Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor) & Philipp Fruhmann (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Solid phase synthesis and conjugation of molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles for QCM-based biomolecule detection
Julia Völkle (Speaker), Andrea Weiß (Contributor), Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor) & Philipp Fruhmann (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Tackling Bioanalysis with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Chances and Challenges
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Thin Films: From Empirical to Systematic Understanding
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker), Mahdieh Bagheri (Contributor), Shahin Haghdoust (Contributor), Martin Werner (Contributor), Birgit Bräuer (Contributor), Christine Unger (Contributor) & Monika Marjanovic (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface Imprints on the Micro- to Nanoscale: Spectrometric and Nanomechanical Characterization and Standardized Rebinding Studies
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker), Shahin Haghdoust (Contributor), Birgit Bräuer (Contributor), Martin Werner (Contributor), Monika Marjanovic (Contributor) & Felix Thier (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
In-situ synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers to detect Au nanoparticles on QCM
Mahdieh Bagheri (Speaker) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
In-situ synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers to Detect Gold Nanoparticles on QCM
Mahdieh Bagheri (Speaker), Shahin Haghdoust (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Mass-sensitive detection of large species: The role of analyte properties and alterations
Felix Thier (Speaker), Elias Andersen (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
A closer look to the surfaces of bacteria-imprinted polymers
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Exploring the limits of molecularly imprinted polymers in chemical sensing
W.A.A. Sudjarwo (Contributor), S. Alzahrani (Contributor), Mahdieh Bagheri (Contributor), Shahin Haghdoust (Contributor), Felix Thier (Contributor), Martin Werner (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
AFM Investigations on Sub-Structures of Surface-Imprinted Polymers
Martin Werner (Speaker), M.S. Glück (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface studies of Escherichia coli-imprinted polymers using Confocal Raman Microscopy and Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis
Birgit Bräuer (Speaker), Felix Thier (Contributor), Dieter Baurecht (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Wisnu Arfian Anditya Sudjarwo (Speaker) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Solid-phase Synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Nanoparticles for Insulin Recognition
S.S. Alzahrani (Speaker), Wisnu Arfian Anditya Sudjarwo (Contributor), Julia Völkle (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface Molecular Imprinting with Engineered Nanoparticles: Insights, Sensing and Limitations
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker), M. Marjanovic (Contributor) & Shahin Haghdoust (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers in Rapid Analysis: Challenges and Chances
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker), Christine Unger (Contributor), Birgit Bräuer (Contributor), Wisnu Arfian Anditya Sudjarwo (Contributor), Martin Werner (Contributor), M. Glück (Contributor) & S. Alzahani (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Silica nanoparticles as plastic antibodies for Human Serum Albumin recognition produced by an integration of solid phase synthesis and Ostwald Ripening
Wisnu Arfian Anditya Sudjarwo (Speaker), S.S. Alzahrani (Contributor), Julia Völkle (Contributor), N. Runge (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface Molecular Imprinting with Bacteria: Visualizing Re-Binding and Selectivity
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker), Birgit Bräuer (Contributor), Martin Werner (Contributor) & Felix Thier (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
HSA imprinted polymer nanoparticle assay using Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM)
Wisnu Arfian Anditya Sudjarwo (Speaker), M.T. Dobler (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Platelet Imprinted Polymers for rapid platelet function monitoring
Felix Thier (Speaker), H. Troiss (Contributor), Victoria Schober (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface Patterning of Polymer Films and Particles for Robust Biosensing Applications
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker), Birgit Bräuer (Contributor), Martin Werner (Contributor) & M. Glück (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
From Self-Organized Monolayers to Surface Molecular Imprints: Assay Formats Extending Beyond the Obvious
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker), Agnieszka Strallhofer (Contributor), C. Koitio (Contributor), S. Klangprapan (Contributor) & Kiattawee Choowongkomon (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Physical Chemistry at the University of Vienna – Recent Research Highlights
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker), Eleonora Hendrika Gertruda Mezger-Backus (Contributor) & Wolfgang Kautek (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecular Imprinting of Bacteria. A new opportunity for Solid Phase Extraction?
Martin Werner (Speaker) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Biomimetic Sensors to Assess Pathogens and Clinical Parameters
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker), Agnieszka Strallhofer (Contributor), C. Koitio (Contributor), S. Klangprapan (Contributor) & Kiattawee Choowongkomon (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Chemosensors for the Detection of Engineered Nanoparticles Using MIPs
Monika Marjanovic (Speaker) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Optimizing the QCM set-up for sensing biospecies in liquids
Christine Unger (Speaker) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface imprinting for label-free detection of biospecies
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker), Suticha Chunta (Contributor), Agnieszka Strallhofer (Contributor), W. Naklue (Contributor) & Roongnapa Suedee (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Biomimetic Recognition for Sensing Chemical and Biological Species
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Mass-Sensitive Transducers and their Use
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Biomimetic Matrices for Assessing Biological and Clinical Target Species
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Probing the Nanoscale with Surface Imprinted Polymers
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker), Leo Schranzhofer (Contributor), Monika Marjanovic (Contributor), Suticha Chunta (Contributor), C. Koitio (Contributor), Krongkaew Navakul (Contributor), Chak Sangma (Contributor) & Kiattawee Choowongkomon (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface Molecular Imprinting Strategies: An Innovative Tool to Detect Engineered Nanoparticles
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker), Monika Marjanovic (Contributor), Leo Schranzhofer (Contributor) & Christoph Jungmann (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Aptamer-Based QCM-Sensor for Rapid Detection of PRRS Virus
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Highly selective polymer-based sensing of bacteria and other diagnostically interesting species
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecular imprinting of biospecies: potential applications in diagnostics
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Recent advances in MIP as sensor layers and sorbents for nano- and microsized particles and biospecies
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Self-organization as a tool in biomimetic recognition
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Design of Mass-Sensitive Sensor Array for Biomedical Application: Sensing Lipoproteins
Suticha Chunta (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Biosensor of Stress Hormone Cortisol based on Molecular Imprinted Polymer
Supannika Klangphukhiew (Speaker), R. Patramanon (Contributor), Roongnapa Srichana (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Fabrication of multi-analyte nanosensors for biological targets – Introduction to AquaNOSE project
Leo Schranzhofer (Speaker), J. Leinvuo (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Imprinted Polymers and Grephene-MIP composite based Chemical Sensors for the Selective Detection of Heavy Metal Ions
Ghulam Mustafa (Speaker), Maimoona Yasinzai (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface Molecular Imprinting – from Detecting Nanosized Species to Tailoring Material Properties
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker), Leo Schranzhofer (Contributor), Christoph Jungmann (Contributor), Krongkaew Navakul (Contributor) & Chak Sangma (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: From the basic concept to realistic application scenarios
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker), Annette Schnettelker (Contributor), Agnieszka Strallhofer (Contributor), Wanpen Naklua (Contributor), Nam Phan Van Ho (Contributor) & Roongnapa Suedee (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface MIP of Biospecies: Possible Assay Formats in Healthcare
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker), Agnieszka Strallhofer (Contributor), Wanpen Naklua (Contributor), Nam Phan Van Ho (Contributor) & Roongnapa Suedee (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecular Imprinting in Mass-Sensitive Sensors: Possibilities, Assays, and Limitations
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface molecular imprints for probing biological and artificial species on the nanoscale
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Surface Molecular Imprints: A Versatile Tool for Biomimetic Detection
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Bringing forward MIP-based Sensing: Tuning Materials Properties and Assay Formats
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker), VHM Phan (Contributor), Suticha Chunta (Contributor), Krongkaew Navakul (Contributor) & Chak Sangma (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Selective Receptors for Sensing Nanosized Species
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for High-Density Lipoprotein: Characterization and Functionalization
Suticha Chunta (Speaker) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
A screen printend amperometric sensor decorated with inkjet printed aptamer-Gold Graphene Nano Composites
Eva Melnik (Speaker), L. Krainz (Contributor), Magdalena Nechvile (Contributor), Rudolf Heer (Contributor), M. Yan (Contributor), C. Chen (Contributor), G. Mutinati (Contributor), Nadezhda Kataeva (Contributor), X. L. Chen (Contributor), F. Padinger (Contributor), D. Ide (Contributor), Peter Ertl (Contributor) & Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecularly imprinted polymers and their composites in detecting clinically relevant species
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker), Suticha Chunta (Contributor), K. Navakul (Contributor), Christoph Jungmann (Contributor) & Chak Sangma (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Diagnostics: Sensing High Density Lipoprotein and Dengue Virus
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for sensing clinically relevant species: lipoproteins and thrombocytes
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
MIP-nanoparticle Composites and Core-shell Nanoparticles leading to Materials with Strongly Enhanced Sensitivity
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Molecular Imprinting on the Nanoscale – Rapid Detection of Nanoparticles
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Two- and Three-Dimensional Self-Assembled Systems in Artificial Recognition of Chemical and Biological Species
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Two- and Three-Dimensional Self-Assembled Systems in Artificial Recognition of Chemical and Biological Species
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Quality Control of Foodstuff and Drugs – a Potential Applications Fields for Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Polymer-based Coatings with High Inherent Selectivity for Chemical and Biological Sensing
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers on Two- and Three-Channel QCM Sensor Arrays on the Way to On-line Measurements in a Bioreactor.
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
The Causes of Selectivity in Nanostructured Sensor Materials: How can they be straightforwardly assessed?
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanopartikel und Dünnfilme als Rezeptoren für die Chemische und Biologische Sensorik
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanostructured materials for highly selective recognition of species over six orders of magnitude
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanostructured materials for highly selective recognition of species over six orders of magnitude
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanostructured materials for highly selective recognition of species over six orders of magnitude
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
How to generate selectivity in man-made materials? Spotlights on sensor application
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Artificial Recognition Materials for Chemical Sensing: How do they compare?
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Artificial Antibodies? Potential and Limits of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Novel Nanostructured Sensor Materials for Pharmaceutically Active Compounds and Biospecies
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Von Affinitätsnanopartikeln zum Molekularen Prägen Biomimetische Erkennung in der Sensorik
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
"Nature-analogous Interactions" as the Basis for Synthetic Receptors in Chemo- and Biosensing
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Biological Recognition Principles as Model for Highly Selective, Artificial Recognition Layers
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Biomimetic Sensors in Medicine and Biology - Detection of Bioparticles
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Chemical Sensors in Environmental Chemistry - Monitoring Air and liquid Phase
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
SAWs for chemical sensing optimizing receptor layers and transducers in respect to analytes of interest
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
From Metal Ions to Biospecies: Template-Assisted Synthesis as a Strategy to Generate Artificial Receptor Materials
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Von Angström bis Nanometer - Optimierte Polymerrezeptoren für die Chemosensorik
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Functionality and Molecular Shape as Target Parameters for Chemical Recognition in Sensor Design
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Functionality and Molecular Shape as Target Parameters for Chemical Recognition in Sensor Design
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Artificial Receptors for Membrane Glycoproteins - Comparing Systems Derived from Nature with Imprinted Polymers
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Detecting Chemical and Biological Threats with Artifical Receptor Layers - Rational Design of Polymer Structures over Four Orders of Magnitude
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Biomimetische Sensoren zur Detektion von Proteinen, Viren und Zellen
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Artificial Receptor Layers for Detecting Chemical and Biological Threats
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Functional biomimetic Interfaces for Assembling Proteins and Cells from Solutions
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Biorekognition mit strukturierten Oberflächen - Sensoranwendungen zur Insulin- und Allergendetektion
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Chemical Sensors and Nanotechnology - Synthetic Antibodies and Replicae of Antibodies for Bioanalyte Recognition
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Synthetic Antibodies and Plastic Replicae of Antibodies for Biomimetic Sensing
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Detection of Viral Contaminations with Molecular Imprinted Polymers Integrated in a Microfluidic Biochip Using Contact-Less Dielectric Microsensors
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Merging materials science and bioscience - bioanalogous recognition in highly selective chemosensing.
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Artificial nanostructured materials for biomimetic sensing of biological and chemical species
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Sensors for Healthcare Monitoring - Proteins, Viruses and Blood-Group-Typing
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Smart Materials by Surface Patterning - Sensor Applications
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Polymer-based "Artificial Antibodies" for Chemical Sensors
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Combining Concepts from Nature and Materials Science: Highly Selective Polymer Films and Nanoparticles for Chemical Sensing
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Highly Selective Recognition in Artificial Matrices: Applications in Chemical Sensing
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Biomimetic recognition materials and their application in chemical sensing
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Mimicking nature with artificial materials - highly selective chemical sensors for real-life environments
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Biomimetic Recognition in Chemical Sensors with Rationally Nanostructured Materials
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Antibodies and their replicae in microfluidic sensor systems - Labelfree quality assessment in food chemistry and medicine
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Generating Functionality on the Nanometer and Subnanometer Scale in Polymers for Sensing in Real-Life Environments
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Replicae of antibodies - robust mass-sensitive sensors for allergens and other bioanalytes.
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanomaterials for labelfree chemical Sensing
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanostrukturierte Materialien für die massensensitive on-line-Sensorik von Geruchsstoffen in Realproben
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Label-freie Sensorik menschlicher Blutgruppen - Subgruppenunterscheidung mittels molekular geprägter Schichten und QCM
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
QCM Sensor Array; a Miniaturized Device for Following Decomposition of Biomass
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Biomimetic Sensors for Environmental Monitoring and Health Care
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Implementing Bio-Analogous Recognition in Artificial Materials - Chemical Sensing Applications
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Chemical Recognition with Polymers Structured on the Nanometer and Subnanometer Level - Sensor Applications in Environment and Process Control
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Functionalized nanostructured polymers as artificial receptors for chemical sensing in gases and liquids
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and Affinity Materials in Chemical Sensing - Implementing Biological Recognition Abilities in Man-Made Materials
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Generating Bio-Analogous Recognition in Artificial Materials - Sensors and Electronic Noses for Odours
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Recognition materials via selforganization - "bottom up" processes leading to nano- and microstructures
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Acoustic chemosensors for real-life environments
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Sensors for Bioanalytes by Imprinting - Polymers Mimicking Both Biological Receptors and the Corresponding Bioparticles
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Sensor measuring methods for characterising food-relevant systems and their degradation
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Sensor systems for detecting bioactive species from molecules, viruses up to entire cells
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Bioanalogous recognition with sol-gel thin films and nanoparticles in harsh environments
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
QCM-sensorik von Biopartikein: Von Nano zu Mikro - Von Bio zu Kunststoff - Von Sauerbrey zu Nichtsauerbrey
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Functional Materials by Nanopatterning - Applications in Chemical Sensing
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanostructured Particles and Layers for Sensing Contaminants in Air and Water
Peter Lieberzeit (Keynote speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Strukturierte Polymerfilme und -nanopartikel als künstliche Rezeptoren für die Chemosensorik in komplexen Matrices
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Bioanalyte Sensing with Functionalized Materials by Surface Patterning
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Functional Materials for Biosensing - from Proteins to Cells and Pollen
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Biomimetic Sensors for Biotechnological Applications
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Artificial Biomimetic Recognition Materials for Sensing in Complex Matrices and Pattern Analysis
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanostrukturierte Sensormaterialien für die Überwachung oxidativer Abbauprozesse in Motorenölen
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanoparticles to detect pollutants and degradation processes with mass-sensitive sensors
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanoparticles for Detecting Pollutants and Degradation Processes by Mass-Sensitive Sensors
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanostrategies to Monitor Oil Degradation
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanostrategies to Monitor Oil Degradation
Peter Lieberzeit (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Chemical Sensors based on Imprinting Ranging from Nanometres to Micrometres
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Printing Materials in Micro- and Nano-Scale - Systems for Process Control
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Bioanalyte Detection by Artificial Recognition Elements based on Imprinting Techniques
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Molecular Imprints and Biosensors
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Molecular Imprints and Biosensors
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry and Measuring Science
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Nanopatterning and Bioanalytes - Sensor Applications
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Imprinting Techniques from Molecules to Cells
Peter Lieberzeit (Invited speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
"On-board" Qualitätskontrolle von Motorenölen basierend auf nanostrukturierten Chemosensoren
Peter Lieberzeit (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Simultaneous Multiparametric Readout for Low-Cost NP Sensors
Lieberzeit, P. & Wagner, P.
1/03/18 → 28/02/22
Project: Research funding
Department of Physical Chemistry
Deputy Head
Währinger Straße 42
1090 Wien
Room: 2H31
T: +43-1-4277-52341
M: +43-664-8175656