Faculty Talks & Events

All events in descending order:

Vortrag / Talk

TACO-Talk: Marialore Sulpizi, JGU Mainz: Solid/Liquid Interfaces: Simulations of Structure, Reactivity, Spectroscopy

When: 14.11.2022, 16:15

Where: Carl Auer von Welsbach lecture hall (HS1) lecture hall & online


Vortrag / Talk

When: Wed, 9.11.2022, 16:00

Where: Joseph Loschmidt Lecture Hall, Faculty of Chemistry, Währinger Straße 42, 1090 Vienna & live streaming

Vortrag / Talk

TACO-Talk: Ferdi Schüth, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung: Mechanochemical and Mechanocatalytic Reactions in Ball Mills – from Voodoo to Science

When: 7.11.2022, 16:15

Where: Josef Loschmidt (HS2) lecture hall & online


Vortrag / Talk

When: Thu, 27.10.2022, 17:00 (!)

Where: Carl Auer von Welsbach lecture hall, Boltzmanngasse 1, 1090 Wien

Vortrag / Talk

Guest talk: Prof. Sergei Tretiak, USA: In the quest for excited states, from machine learning to non-adiabatic dynamics

When: Thu, 20.10.22, 9:30 Uhr

Where: Institut für Theoretische Chemie, Seminarraum, Währinger Straße 17, 4. Stock

Vortrag / Talk

TACO-Talk: Patrick Rinke, Aalto University: Active Materials Exploration and Characterization with Bayesian Optimization

When: 17.10.2022, 16:15

Where: Josef Loschmidt (HS2) lecture hall & online

Vortrag / Talk

Kazuki Nakanishi, Nagoya University and Kyoto University, Japan: Macroporous Monoliths with Modified Compositions and Structures

When: Mon, 17.10.2022, 14:15

Where: Seminar room 2

Vortrag / Talk

Fachseminar Didaktik

Wann: 17.10.2022, 9:00-13:00 Uhr

Wo: Seminarraum 3, Boltzmanngasse 1, 1. Stock, 1090 Wien

Vortrag / Talk

When: Wed, 12.10.2022, 16:00

Where: Loschmidt Hörsaal (HS2)