[CALL] Clinical Research


Submissions: Rolling

Career stage: R2, R3, R4

Summary: Clinical studies

Gaining new scientific knowledge to improve clinical practice, therapy concepts, and treatment methods – the Clinical Research funding program offers researchers and clinicians the opportunity to conduct clinical studies without being dependent on commercial interests.

Target group

Proposals can be submitted by any suitably qualified researcher working at or cooperating with a clinic in Austria, who has sufficient working capacity and access to the infrastructure needed to carry out the proposed research.

Funding goals

Eligible for funding are projects in the field of non-commercial clinical research with clearly defined objectives and methods and subject to duration and funding limits. Commercial organizations may not have a direct commercial interest in the results. The studies must involve patients or animal patients and/or healthy test subjects or animals and the aim must be to generate new scientific knowledge and insights to improve clinical practice or optimize diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

Funding period and funding amount

  • Maximum 48 months
  • Depending on the proposed research, project-specific funds (personnel and non-personnel costs) can be applied for. The number of reviews required depends on the amount of funding requested.


  • Applicants must have the academic qualifications needed to lead the proposed research project
  • Project to be carried out at an Austrian research institution with the necessary infrastructure
  • Applicants must be able to show that they have conducted suitable previous work related to the proposed studies.
  • A positive opinion or confirmation of fundamental approval from the ethics committee responsible must be provided at the time of submission. This does not apply to clinical trials pursuant to the Austrian Medicines Act (Arzneimittelgesetz, AMG).
  • For further details, please see the application guidelines.


  • Decided by the Scientific Board based on an international review process
  • Five approval meetings per year
  • Co-financing option with the Matching Funds initiative

Application information

Rolling submissions using the online application portal elane

Funding institution

Austrian Science Fund (FWF)