[CALL] Collaboration with Czech Republic



FWF as lead agency: rolling submissions

GACR as lead agency: once a year


Summary: Internationale, individuelle, flexible und langfristige Forschung

In cooperation with the Czech Science Foundation (GACR), the FWF offers funding for closely integrated project collaborations between researchers in Austria and Czech Republic.

Cross-border, bilateral Principal Investigator Projects can be funded as part of the Weave network; additional researchers from a third Weave partner country can also be involved. For details, please see Weave – Information for applicants.

Target group

The funding program is aimed at researchers from all disciplines. For details, please see the respective application guidelines.

Funding goals

Weave projects are intended to fund closely integrated projects in which researchers in Austria, Czech Republic, and (optionally for Weave projects) a third partner country make substantial scientific contributions, creating added value through international cooperation.

Funding period and funding amount

24 or 36 months


For Weave projects, the application requirements of the FWF's Principal Investigator Projects and Clinical Research programs apply to FWF applicants.


Weave projects are subject to the same FWF review process as Principal Investigator Projects or that of the Clinical Research program and are in competition with these proposals. Applications reviewed by the GACR as lead agency will be reviewed according to GACR guidelines.

Application information

  • Proposals are submitted online using the electronic application portal elane. For details, please see Weave – Information for applicants.
  • Weave applications must also be submitted to the other funding agency involved, simultaneously or no later than seven days after submission to the lead agency.

Funding institution

Austrian Science Fund (FWF)