[CALL] Open-Access Block Grant


Submissions: Rolling

Career stage: R1, R2, R3, R4, ART

Summary: Comes into effect on January 1, 2024

As of January 1, 2024, costs for the open-access publishing of work (peer-reviewed journal articles, contributions to edited volumes, etc.) resulting in whole or in part from FWF-funded projects will be supported by means of an Open-Access Block Grant provided in addition to the approved project budget.

Target group

This funding program is for Austrian research institutions at which FWF projects have been approved in the previous five years.

Funding goals

The Open-Access Block Grant is granted once a year to Austrian research institutions to support the funding of open-access (OA) publications resulting entirely or in part from FWF-funded projects.

Funding amount

The Open-Access Block Grant is calculated on a pro rata basis per research institution, based on the FWF’s annual budget for new approvals.


To be eligible for the FWF's Open-Access Block Grant, Austrian research institutions at which projects have been approved by the FWF in the previous five years must sign an Open-Access Block Grant contract. If your research institution is interested in signing an Open-Access Block Grant contract, please contact us at oap(at)fwf.ac.at

Funding institution

Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Further information

The Open-Access Block Grant will replace the Peer-Reviewed Publications program starting January 1, 2024. Starting in 2024, authors need to contact their research institutions directly before submitting an article to a journal or publication platform to learn more about potential OA funding options and any conditions they may be subject to.


The Open-Access Block Grant will replace the Peer-Reviewed Publications program starting January 1, 2024.