Collaborative Projects
What are they?
A group of PIs and organisations that respond with a project proposal to a specific call from the European Commission based on the Horizon Europe work programmes and the current Strategic Plan. The calls for proposals are grouped by subject areas – so-called “destinations”. The destinations are based on the EU’s policy priorities and the desired impact of the EU’s funding. This is a top-down approach – „challenges to solve“ organised in 6 thematic clusters with very specific topics/opportunities.
Who can apply?
PIs must have a working contract over the project duration. Collaborative means that there needs to be a consortium. For most calls, the consortium should include a minimum of 3 partner organisations from 3 different EU or associated countries. At least one of them must be from an EU country.
Types of projects
- Research and innovation action (RIA): establishes new knowledge or explores a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. EU funding: 100% of project costs.
- Innovation action (IA): produces plans or designs for new or improved products, processes or services including prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication. EU funding: 100% of project costs for non-profit organisations and 70% of project costs for profit-making organisations.
- Coordination and support action (CSA): improves cooperation among EU and associated countries to strengthen the European Research Area including, for example, standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising, communication and networking activities, policy dialogues. EU funding: 100% of project costs.
- Programme co-fund action (COFUND): provides multi-annual co-funding for European partnerships bringing together public and private partners. EU funding: between 30 and 70% of project costs.
Find inspiration from previously funded projects in the CORDIS database.
EU Missions
What are the EU Missions?
The 5 EU Missions are a novelty in Horizon Europe, a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. They have ambitious goals and will deliver concrete results by 2030.
They put research and innovation into a new role, combined with new forms of governance and collaboration, as well as by engaging citizens, with strong visibility and impact. With a top-down approach, actions across disciplines are intended to achieve a bold and inspirational and measurable goal.
For more information to EU Missions click here.
Internal process: PIs must have a contract with UNIVIE for the project duration and your Faculty/Centre should be informed about your application for planning (ensuring desk space, etc.)
If the UNIVIE budget is ≥ €100.000: mandatory approval from Vice Rector. Applications to be sent to Research Services 2 weeks prior to deadline (EU-Budget-Tool + draft proposal)
If the UNIVIE budget is < €100.000: Dean of Faculty
can authorise the application.
How and where to start
- You can find all calls for proposals, the specific call topics, the deadlines and application forms on the Funding and tenders portal and check our FAQs.
- Think of problems/challenges/needs at EU-level that require specific solutions and generate an idea that: contributes to solving/addressing these issues; advances knowledge (RIA), creates innovation (IA) or allows coordination between countries (CSA); requires European cooperation; shows societal, economic or scientific impact; addresses the given topics and destinations in the WP.
- Join a consortium or create one. You can find partners through: National Contact Points, Partner search on the Portal, The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities, Circle U, join a COST Action or similar international networks, and Enterprise Europe Network.
- Develop and contribute to the proposal.
DLE Research Services and Career Development Service:
At pre-award stage, we can support you by:
- offering information on various funding schemes (national and international), including one-to-one consultations,
- supporting your application in terms of planning and budgeting,
- providing proposal checks and advice for those projects coordinated by UNIVIE,
- getting the necessary approvals/signatures from the Rectorate.
At post-award stage, our services include:
- project management services for Pillar 2 – based on capacity of the project managers + needs to be added to the budget,
- support during the Grant Agreement phase,
- support for Consortium Agreement, NDAs & co. by the Legal Team.