Elemental analysis and data manipulations


A team of scientists from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry recently published an perspective article in Inorg. Chem. Frontiers, describing the problem of possible elemental analysis data manipulations.

The chemistry news, research and opinions newsletter "Chemistry World" from the Royal Society of Chemistry reported on the recent Inorg. Chem. Frontiers publication "Elemental analysis: an important purity control but prone to manipulations" by C. Kowol and W. Kandioller together with J. Theiner and B. Keppler.

In their perspective article they describe the problem of possible elemental analysis data manipulations and investigated which deviations from theory can be expected. In addition, several recommendations are suggested for the adaption of journal guidelines to solve the long-time problem with elemental analyses “which are too good to be true”.

Publication in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers:

Elemental analysis: an important purity control but prone to manipulations. Wolfgang Kandioller, Johannes Theiner, Bernhard Keppler and Christian Kowol, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/qi/d1qi01379c 

(© Christian Kowol et al.)