[CALL] Study and research in Slovakia


An exchange programme for students, teachers as well as researchers.


Deadline: 15.10.2023

Study and research in Slovakia - Now students, teachers and researchers can apply for the attractive scholarship programmes of the AKTION Austria-Slovakia.

The AKTION Austria-Slovakia promotes scientific exchange and cooperation between the two
countries and supports language learning of the neighbouring language. The aim is to establish, develop and intensify sustainable relations between the two countries. Become part of an exciting exchange programme for students, teachers as well as researchers and take your chance now. On our oead.map you can get an overview of current and completed OeAD-funded projects and OeAD alumni in Slovakia in cooperation with Austrian institutions.

Here you will find an overview of the autumn/winter submission deadlines for the various scholarships for students, teachers and researchers as well as project funding:

Scholarship for diploma candidates
Duration: 1-3 months
Closing date for applications: October 15, 2023

Research grant for PhD students
Duration: 3-6 months
Closing date for applications: October 15, 2023

Research Grant for Postdocs
Duration: 3-6 months
Closing date for applications: October 15, 2023

Grant for short term stays
Duration: up to 3 days
Closing date for applications: ongoing

Project funding
Duration: up to 12 months
Closing dates for applications:  October 15, 2023