Under the Mobility Fellowships programme, the University of Vienna supports research stays at selected renowned universities, including its Strategic Partners. This measure is intended to expand and intensify existing contacts with colleagues at the respective host universities or to initiate new research activities.
As announced in the previous meeting of the Internationalisation Council, we have extended the possible destinations from four Strategic Partner Universities to six further partner universities (King’s College London, University of Queensland, Seoul National University, Stanford University, University of Toronto, Universität Zürich).
Mobility Fellowships
for 3 to 8-week research stays at selected partner universities (eligible for spring call: Post-Doc, Tenure Track Prof., Ass. Prof., Assoc. Prof., Univ. Prof., ao Univ. Prof.).
Funding for travel expenses and accommodation.
Application deadline: 15 April 2025.
If you have any questions, please contact Magdalena Weitlaner directly (magdalena.weitlaner@univie.ac.at | telephone extension: 18286).