Giorgia Del Favero investigates the effect of chemical and physical impulses on cells. The scientist, who was appointed to the tenure-track...
"IrrevoChrom" project is one out of total eleven recently granted FFG spin-off fellowships that will be led by FFG fellow Laura Maggini and host...
Organic electrochromic materials change colour with an electric current and have many applications as low energy visual indicators. Based on the...
"Labelled amino acids" project is one out of total eleven recently granted FFG spin-off fellowships that will be led by FFG fellow Predrag Kalaba and...
The diagnosis and treatment of long COVID syndrome (LCS) is still very difficult, and there is only little knowledge about the factors causing...
We are pleased to present the winners of the chemistry photo contest 2022.
Sensors based on MEMS technology (micro-electro-mechanical systems) are indispensable today for developments in transport, telecommunications and...
Last Thursday the University of Vienna had the honour of welcoming Benjamin List, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2021, for a lecture in the Faculty of...
New method enables measurement of glycolipids; now their relevance in cancer will be investigated