Hosea Nelson, USA: Strong Cations and Weak Anions: A Story in Reactivity-Driven methods Development

When: Mon, 8.4.2019, 16:00

Where: Loschmidt Hörsaal (HS 2), Währinger Straße 42, 1090 Wien

Carbocations are important reactive intermediates that are invoked in many chemical transformations. These species are usually of the tricoordinated variety. Conversely, dicoordinated carbenium ions are rarely invoked as intermediates in practical chemical processes due to their high energy and energetically challenging formation. In this talk I will discuss our recent efforts to utilize phenyl and vinyl carbocations in C–H functionalization reactions. We will describe how these high-energy dicoordinated carbocations can be generated under mild conditions and utilized in the selective C–C bond forming reactions of simple hydrocarbons. Moreover, we will discuss our efforts to understand the mechanism of these reactions through computational chemistry, kinetics, electron microscopy, and isotopic labeling studies.

Prof. Hosea Nelson earned a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology in 2012. After postdoctoral training at University of California at Berkeley, Prof. Nelson joined the UCLA faculty in 2014: http://www.thenelsonlab.com/

Programm: Fakultätskolloquium SoSe 2019

Bei einem nachgewiesenen Besuch von mindestens drei der vier Vorträge erhalten Studierende 0,5 ECTS für diese Lehrveranstaltung (LV 270178 SE Fakultätskolloquium).