[CALL] Call for Proposals Research Platforms 2025


Deadline: 29.04.2025, 14h


A minimum of four principal investigators (PIs) collaborate on research projects, typically from at least two different faculties or centers at the University of Vienna.

The University of Vienna's research platforms facilitate original and innovative multidisciplinary research, particularly in one of the institution's strategic priority areas. The Rectorate provides one-time start-up funding of up to EUR 400k per year to support research on multidisciplinary issues for up to four years.

Successful research platforms result in follow-up projects funded by third parties, including the EU, FWF, WWTF, CDG, FFG, and others. A cost-neutral extension of up to two years is possible contingent upon positive evaluation. The Rectorate's objective is to fund up to six research platforms, four of which will be in strategic priority areas and two of which will be thematically open.

The following criteria apply to applications

A minimum of four principal investigators (PIs) collaborate on research projects, typically from at least two different faculties or centers at the University of Vienna.

The requisite budget is outlined in the application and is primarily intended to fund one doctoral student per principal investigator (PI) with co-supervision. Personnel costs will be charged in accordance with the cost rates stipulated in the collective bargaining agreement. Doctoral students are offered four-year contracts and are employed at one of the participating faculties or centers. Doctoral students are required to join one of the doctoral schools of the University of Vienna. 

Please prepare your proposals using the application form provided (and submit them as PDF file(s); max. 5 MB including all attachments) and the Excel budget table to forschung.rektorat@univie.ac.at by Tuesday 29 April 2025 at 14:00.


The evaluation criteria are as follows:

  • Successful proposals will employ innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to address original research questions.
  • Principal Investigators will have excellent academic track records and will make a specific collaborative contribution to the research platform.
  • Successful applications will strengthen the strategic priority areas of the University of Vienna (up to four platforms) or be thematically open (up to two platforms)