[CALL] Pillar 2: Collaborative Projects & EU Missions


Deadline: September 2025

Collaborative Projects

What are they?

A group of PIs and organisations that respond with a project proposal to a specific call from the  European Commission based on the Horizon Europe work programmes  and the current Strategic Plan. The calls for proposals are grouped by subject areas – so-called “destinations”. The destinations are based on the EU’s policy priorities and the desired impact of the EU’s funding. This is a top-down approach – „challenges to solve“ organised in 6 thematic clusters with very specific topics/opportunities.

Who can apply?

PIs must have a working contract over the project duration. Collaborative means that there needs to be a consortium. For most calls, the consortium should include a minimum of 3 partner organisations from 3 different EU or associated countries. At least one of them must be from an EU country.

Types of projects

  • Research and innovation action (RIA): establishes new knowledge or explores a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. EU funding: 100% of project costs. 
  • Innovation action (IA): produces plans or designs for new or improved products, processes or services including prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication. EU funding: 100% of project costs for non-profit organisations and 70% of project costs for profit-making organisations. 
  • Coordination and support action (CSA): improves cooperation among EU and associated countries to strengthen the European Research Area including, for example, standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising, communication and networking activities, policy dialogues. EU funding: 100% of project costs. 
  • Programme co-fund action (COFUND): provides multi-annual co-funding for European partnerships bringing together public and private partners. EU funding: between 30 and 70% of project costs. 

Find inspiration from previously funded projects in the CORDIS database.


EU Missions

What are the EU Missions?

The 5 EU Missions are a novelty in Horizon Europe, a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. They have ambitious goals and will deliver concrete results by 2030.

They put research and innovation into a new role, combined with new forms of governance and collaboration, as well as by engaging citizens, with strong visibility and impact. With a top-down approach, actions across disciplines are intended to achieve a bold and inspirational and measurable goal.

For more information to EU Missions click here.


Internal process: PIs must have a contract with UNIVIE for the project duration and your Faculty/Centre should be informed about your application for planning (ensuring desk space, etc.)

  • If the UNIVIE budget is €100.000: mandatory approval from Vice Rector. Applications to be sent to Research Services 2 weeks prior to deadline (EU-Budget-Tool + draft proposal)

  • If the UNIVIE budget is < €100.000: Dean of Faculty

  • can authorise the application.


How and where to start

  1. You can find all calls for proposals, the specific call topics, the deadlines and application forms on the Funding and tenders portal and check our FAQs.
  2. Think of problems/challenges/needs at EU-level that require specific solutions and generate an idea that: contributes to solving/addressing these issues; advances knowledge (RIA), creates innovation (IA) or allows coordination between countries (CSA); requires European cooperation; shows societal, economic or scientific impact; addresses the given topics and destinations in the WP.
  3. Join a consortium or create one. You can find partners through: National Contact Points, Partner search on the Portal, The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities, Circle U, join a COST Action or similar international networks, and Enterprise Europe Network. 
  4. Develop and contribute to the proposal.


DLE Research Services and Career Development Service:

At pre-award stage, we can support you by:

  • offering information on various funding schemes (national and international), including one-to-one consultations,
  • supporting your application in terms of planning and budgeting,
  • providing proposal checks and advice for those projects coordinated by UNIVIE,
  • getting the necessary approvals/signatures from the Rectorate.

At post-award stage, our services include:

  • project management services for Pillar 2 – based on capacity of the project managers + needs to be added to the budget,
  • support during the Grant Agreement phase,
  • support for Consortium Agreement, NDAs & co. by the Legal Team.