Starting Grants
- HYPROTIN - Hyperpolarized Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Time-Resolved Monitoring of Interactions of Intrinsically Disordered Breast-Cancer Proteins - Dennis Kurzbach, 2018
- GUTPEPTIDES - Novel therapeutic approaches to improve gastrointestinal wound healing - Markus Muttenthaler, 2017
- FOPS -water - Fundamentals of photocatalytic splitting of water - Ellen Backus, 2013
- "From Flat to Chiral: A unified approach to converting achiral aromatic compounds to optically active valuable building blocks" - Nuno Maulide, 2011
ERC Consolidator Grants
- EXPOMET - Deciphering the Exposome by Metabolomic Technology in Breast Cancer - Benedikt Warth, 2022
- Mini-dynamos for higher efficiency of fuel cells - Jia Min Chin, 2020
- BIOMAMA Biogenicity of Martian Materials - Tetyana Milojevic, 2020
- CAPSID - Controlling Activity of Lysogenic Phages by Small Molecule Inducers and Dysregulators - Thomas Böttcher, 2019
- VINCAT - A Unified Approach to Redox-Neutral C-C Couplings: Exploiting Vinyl Cation Rearrangements - Nuno Maulide, 2015
ERC Proof of Concept
- AGROSTERICS - Development of a new reaction to enable the synthesis of molecules that were previously difficult to impossible to access - Nuno Maulide, 2023
- GUTOCINS - Oral oxytocin for abdominal pain - Markus Muttenthaler, 2023
- Labeled Amino Acids - Markus Muttenthaler, 2020
- NEUTRAMENTH - A redox-neutral process for the cost-efficient and environmentally friendly production of Menthol - Nuno Maulide, 2018
HFSP Research Grant
- Spatial and deep neurolipidomics to reveal synapse diversity - Robert Ahrends, 2022
WWTF Projekte
- WWTF Life Sciences Call 2018 - Improvement of taste perception by homoeriodictyol in cancer patients after chemotherapy - Veronika Somoza
- WWTF Life Sciences Call 2018 - Targeting mucosal biofilms in patients with gastrointestinal disorders - Markus Muttenthaler
- WWTF Life Sciences Call 2017 - Structure Zoom, Zooming in on protein functional sites with atomic resolution - an integrated chemistry approach for structural biology - Christian Becker
Christian Doppler Labore
- Christian Doppler Labor für Entropieorientiertes Drug Design, Nuno Maulide
- Christian Doppler Labor für Geschmacksforschung, Barbara Lieder
- plus zwei ausgelaufene Christian Doppler Labore
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