Institute Seminar: Paul Vasos, University of Bucharest: Extended Timescales for NMR via Symmetry in Biomolecular Structures

When: Friday, January 26, 11:00 am

Where: Seminarraum 1, 2. Stock, Boltzmanngasse 1

The Institute of Biological Chemistry invites to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Paul Vasos, University of Bucharest and Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania: 


Title: Extended Timescales for NMR via Symmetry in Biomolecular Structures

We are drawn to notice symmetry in the surroundings as we look for comparable sizes, i.e. 'sum-metria'.  Electromagnetic transitions are paced by magnetic symmetry. Spectroscopic measurements of dynamic phenomena are possible provided atomic or molecular transitions that yield spectral signals occur on compatible timescales. Present-day applications ranging from quantum computing to functional imaging depend on the rate of changes in molecular magnetic configurations.

New methods for creating magnetic configurations with lifetimes adapted to the timescale of phenomena under study will be presented. Examples of applications of NMR states and coherences with long lifetimes will be discussed for the fields of biomolecular interactions and transformations - including recent peptide experiments in Vienna - and biological effects of high dose-rate radiation
based on high-power laser sources.