A team led by Philipp Marquetand and Julia Westermayr use deep neural networks to achieve simulations on long time scales.
Researchers from European countries discuss under coordination by Tetyana Milojevic from the Department of Biophysical Chemistry
Nuno Maulide's group has achieved the synthesis of a potential immunosuppressive agent.
Chemist Daniel Kaiser is one of 45 finalists for the Reaxys PhD Prize 2019, as Elsevier now announced. The Prize celebrates innovative and rigorous...
Nuno Maulide receives the 2020 Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award for Organic Synthesis.
Tim Gruene and colleagues try a trick for complete 3D analysis of submicron crystals.
A boiling point of 5900 degrees Celsius and diamond-like hardness in combination with carbon: tungsten is the heaviest metal, yet has biological...
The young spin-off "P4 Therapeutics" was awarded with the "Der Brutkasten Media Award".
Christian Schroeder and international colleagues show in an article in "Chemical Reviews" possibilities of polarizable simulations of ionic liquids.