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We invite all students, doctoral candidates and postdocs (max. 4 years after PhD degree) to participate.

The Faculty

Three open postdoctoral positions are available at the Faculty of Chemistry as of September 1st. The application deadline is October 31st.

The Faculty

On the occasion of the "International Day of Women in Science" (11 February), the Faculty of Chemistry, in cooperation with the women's network...

The Faculty, Society

On September 30th, the Faculty Day Chemistry 2021 will take place and Davide Bonifazi from the Institute of Organic Chemistry will give his inaugural...

The Faculty, Research

All relevant information for (prospective) students, teachers and other employees

The Faculty

On Monday, the University of Vienna tendered around 70 professorships and tenure-track professorships. Three professorships and one tenure-track...

The Faculty

At the beginning of October Ellen Backus joined as new Professor of Physical Chemistry the Institute of Physical Chemistry. Born in the Netherlands,...

The Faculty, Research, ChemNews_EN

With "WoChem - Women in Chemistry", the faculty now has an initiative to strengthen the career paths of female chemists. The initiators Katharina...

The Faculty

On 1 April Katharina Groß took up her professorship for Didactics of Chemistry at the Faculty and at the Centre for Teacher Education. She moves from...

The Faculty, Research