Benedikt Warth and colleagues show path of zearalenone through the womb using new technology.
Chemists Sebastian Mai and Leticia González investigate the interactions of metal complexes and light.
A team led by Philipp Marquetand and Julia Westermayr use deep neural networks to achieve simulations on long time scales.
Researchers from European countries discuss under coordination by Tetyana Milojevic from the Department of Biophysical Chemistry
Nuno Maulide's group has achieved the synthesis of a potential immunosuppressive agent.
Tim Gruene and colleagues try a trick for complete 3D analysis of submicron crystals.
The young spin-off "P4 Therapeutics" was awarded with the "Der Brutkasten Media Award".
The group of Nuno Maulide in collaboration with the group of Harald Sitte (Medical University of Vienna) has now reported a facile method for the...
Conventional lithium ion batteries, such as those widely used in smartphones and notebooks, have reached performance limits. Materials chemist Freddy...