Unsere Vorträge und Veranstaltungen

Alle Veranstaltungen in zeitlich absteigender Reihenfolge:

Vortrag / Talk

Prof. Michael Mastalerz/ Organic-Chemical Institute, Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg: Monkey Saddles and other Contorted Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

When: Wednesday, 10.05.2023, 15:00

Where: Small lecture hall 3, Faculty of Chemistry, Boltzmanngasse 1, 1090 Vienna

Vortrag / Talk

Dr. Benjamin Golub, University Braunschweig: Expertise on the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and its impact on chemistry research

When: Tuesday, 04.04.2023, 17:00

Where: Lecture hall 3, Boltzmanngasse 1, 1090 Vienna

Vortrag / Talk

A/Prof. Christoph Nitsche, Australian National University, Research School of Chemistry, Canberra: Time to shine for constrained peptides in drug discovery

In the context of the institute seminar Biological Chemistry

When: 30.03.2023, 15:30

Where: "Joseph Loschmidt" lecture hall II, Währinger Straße...

Vortrag / Talk

Prof. Dr. Thomas Douglas Bennett, University of Cambridge/ Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy: Mechanical Properties and Exotic Behaviour of Metal-Organic Frameworks

Wann: Freitag, 24.02.2023, 9:00

Wo: Kleiner Hörsaal 4 der Fakultät für Chemie, Währinger Starße 42, 1090 Wien

Vortrag / Talk

Giovanni Li Manni, MPI for Solid State Research, Stuttgart: Compression of Spin-Adapted Wave Functions to Understand Magnetic Interactions in Polynuclear Transition Metal Clusters

When: Thu, 26.1.2023, 9:30

Where: Institut für Theoretische Chemie, Währinger Str. 17, 4. Stock,



Vortrag / Talk

TACO-Talk: Henrik Bluhm, FHI Berlin: Ions and Surfactants at Aqueous Solution-Vapor Interfaces Investigated with Photoelectron Spectroscopy

When: 23.1.2023, 16:15

Where: Josef Loschmidt (HS2) lecture hall & online

Vortrag / Talk

Informationsabend der AGES ("Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit")

Wann: Mi, 11.1.2023, 17:00-20:00

Wo: Car Auer von Welsbach Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 1, 1090 Wien

Vortrag / Talk

TACO-Talk: Alessandro Fortunelli, CNR, Pisa: Theoretical Materials Science of Spinel Oxides

When: 12.12.2022, 16:15

Where: Josef Loschmidt (HS2) lecture hall & online

Vortrag / Talk

Merck/Sigma-Aldrich Lecture - Siegfried R. Waldvogel, Mainz: Electrochemical Upcycling of Pollutants

When: Wed, 30.11.2022, 16:00

Where: Lecture hall 3, Faculty of Chemistry, Boltzmanngasse 1