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Alle Veranstaltungen in zeitlich absteigender Reihenfolge:
Vortrag / Talk
Carsten Schmuck, Duisburg-Essen: Supramolecular Chemistry at the Interface of Material Science and Biology
Vortrag / Talk
Simone Mascotto, Hamburg: Confinement in mesoporous materials and its implications for energy storage applications
Vortrag / Talk
Theodora J. Stewart, London: The New London Metallomics Facility: Expanding Frontiers in Correlative Elemental Bio-imaging
Vortrag / Talk
Miroslav D. Dramićanin, Belgrade: "Multifunctional use of lanthanide doped GdVO4 nanoparticles"
Vortrag / Talk
Gwilherm Evano, Bruxelles: "The many faces of copper: catalysis of cross-coupling, oxidative cross coupling and radical processes"
Vortrag / Talk
Peter Müller, Cambridge: Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction: Structure Determina-tion for Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Research